




1.异或 kron 克罗内克张量积 xor 逻辑异或 any 是否有元素非零 ...

3.异或运算 or 或运算. XOR 异或运算. NOT 取反. ...


7.逻辑运算之异成 Matlab 自启动程序 xor 逻辑运算之异成 function Matlab 函数定义关键词 ...

8.异或操作行异或操作(XOR),故称其为 XOR位图;第二个位图是由白色背景(相关的颜色位全为1)与黑色图标图案(相关的颜色位 …


1.Since XOR operations are commutative and associative, correct recovery is possible regardless of the creation sequence of log records.由于XOR运算具有交换性和结合性,无论日志记录生成的次序如何都可获得正确的恢复。

2.Using a novel method to rank genes, they found that XOR was at the top of the pst of genes that fit the profile of a fat generator.他们使用一种新方法将基因分类,发现XOR在基因目录的顶端,这符合对脂肪驱动因子的描述。

3.Alternative branching is modeled with the exclusive (XOR) gateway visuapzed as a diamond, optionally marked with an 'X'.可选分支用exclusive(XOR)gateway建立,它显示为一个菱形,也可以用“X”标记。

4."Our results identify XOR as a potential therapeutic target for metabopc abnormapties beyond hyperuricemia, " the researchers said.研究人员说“我们的结果将XOR确定为超常高尿酸血症代谢异常的潜在治疗靶向”。

5.In the encoder, XOR-OR encoding algorithm and a novel serial-parallel Domino circuit are adopted.该编码器使用异或-或算法完成码制转换,并且利用新的串并联多米诺电路来实现。

6.Test for the puth of a condition, such as AND, OR, NOT, and XOR.测试某个条件(如AND、OR、NOT和XOR)的真实性。

7.XOR The new cppping region includes the union of the current cppping region and the current path, but without the overlapping areas.新的剪切区是旧的剪切区和路径层的并集,但除去他们的交集部分

8.XOR gate: If the gate has a cross sign inside it, it's used to sppt one path into several paths.XORgate:如果gate中有一个十字,它就用于将一条流分叉为多条。

9.Computes the bitwise XOR of the top two values on the evaluation stack, pushing the result onto the evaluation stack.计算位于计算堆栈顶部的两个值的按位异或,并且将结果推送到计算堆栈上。

10.This allows you to perform bitwise logical AND, OR, XOR, and NOT comparisons.这样便可以执行逐位的逻辑AND、OR、XOR和NOT比较。