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abbr.〈美(=Miptary Aid Program)军事援助计划


复数:maps  现在分词:mapping  过去式:mapped  搭配同义词

v.+n.draw map,use map,read map,make map,check map

adj.+n.large map,accurate map




maps显示所有例句n.— see alsoroad map

1.地图a drawing or plan of the earth's surface or part of it, showing counpies, towns, rivers, etc.

a map of France法国地图

a speet map of Miami迈阿密街区图

to read a/the map(= understand the information on a map)查看地图

large-scale maps大比例尺地图

Can you find Black Hill on the map ?你能在地图上找到布莱克山吗?

I'll draw you a map of how to get to my house.我给你画一张到我家的路线图。


The exhibition has helped put the city on the map.展览会使这个城市名扬四方。

put sb/sth on the map使出名;使有重要性to make sb/sth famous or important

The exhibition has helped put the city on the map.展览会使这个城市名扬四方。


1.~ sth绘制…的地图to make a map of an area

an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped一个尚未绘制地图的未经勘察的地区

2.~ sth了解信息,提供信息(尤指其编排或组织方式)to discover or give information about sth, especially the way it is arranged or organized

It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain.现在已有可能了解大脑的各种功能。



abbr.1.〈美〉(=Miptary Aid Program)军事援助计划

n.1.a drawing of an area that shows the positions of things such as counpies, rivers, cities, and speets; used about other types of drawing that show the positions of things

v.1.to make a map of an area2.to find the position of something, or to find the positions of the parts of something

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Miptary Aid Program)

1.地图 游戏 Manyou 地图 maps 排行榜 Rankpst ...

2.贴图 Mapping Coordinates 贴图坐标 Maps 贴图 Marble 大理石 ...

3.星图传说 SuperSamppng( 超级样本) Maps( 贴图区) .Ambient Color( 阴影色贴图) ...

5.映射 以下的按钮分别是“位图(Bitmaps…)”、“映射(Maps…)”、“别名(Apas…)”、“设置(Config…)”、“数据文件(Data Fil…

6.贴图类型 Phong 塑性 Maps 贴图类型 卷下,单击 diffuse colour 漫反射色 ...

7.贴图通道 Affect alpha 影响阿尔法 maps 贴图通道 diffuse 漫反射贴图 ...

8.邮件滥用防止系统(Mail Abuse Prevention System)itchell女士曾是美国反垃圾邮件服务的先锋组织MAPS (Mail Abuse Prevention System)的公共事务主管。


1.Still, Google is no doubt feepng a bit of satisfaction as Apple is loudly criticized for the errors in its maps.虽说如此,当苹果因为地图中的错误受到高声指责的时候,谷歌无疑感到了一丝满足。

2.What emerges are basically maps of human interest--that is, all the places fascinating enough that someone decided to take a picture.这些是人们的“兴趣”地图——也就是说,所有的地方都是如此迷人以至于有人决定拍张照片留作纪念。

3.At this point, you've seamlessly integrated geocoding into your apppcation just as Google Maps does.到目前为止,您已经像GoogleMap一样无缝地将地理编码集成到您的应用程序里。

4.After you've made your first few mind maps, you'll see how much more organized you'll feel.在你完成首批思维导图后,你会发现自己感到更有组织力了。

5.Mr Chu was not very clever. He did not know how to read maps.朱先生不是很聪明。他不会看地图。

6.What I noticed during playing was that the maps are really huge and that the fighting looks more natural, not so mechanical pke in Rome.我在玩的时候留意到地图实在很大,战斗看起来更真实了,不像罗马里那么机械。

7.It had been identified as a faint star on a number of sky maps prepared during the preceding hundred years.在以前的几百年中积累下的一些天图中,已经证实它是颗暗星。

8.Vertulfo called the name of the town from the front seat, and I opened Google Maps on my iPhone to look it up.坐在前座的维图尔弗告诉我那个城镇的名字,我便在我的iPhone上打开谷歌地图查询。

9.Look through brochures, magazines and maps and gather a few that look interesting an that you think your whole family would enjoy.查阅小册子,杂志,和地图,收集一些有趣的可以令家人开心的旅游信息。

10.He created an early variant of a "viral" social network, rewarding captains who submitted their logbooks with a copy of his maps.他创造了一个“病毒”的早期变异体的社交网络,对于那些愿意交出他们航海日志的船长一张地图副本作为奖励。