


美式发音: [ˈistərn] 英式发音: [ˈiːstə(r)n]






1.[obn]东方的;向东的;东部的located in the east or facing east

eastern Spain西班牙东部

Eastern Europe东欧

the eastern slopes of the mountain东山坡

2.(欧洲以东的)亚洲国家的,东方国家的connected with the part of the world that is to the east of Europe

Eastern cookery东方烹饪



adj.1.in or from the east of a country or place

1.东方的 Ace Travel 旅游社名 eastern 东方的 provide 提供 ...

2.东部的 Spanish 西班牙人;西班牙的 eastern 东方的;东部的 recognize 辨认出;承认;公认 ...

3.东区 东涌 Tung Chung 东区 Eastern 东龙洲 Tung Lung Chau ...

4.朝东的 earthquake n. 地震 eastern a. 东方的, 朝东的 edit vt. 编辑, 编纂, 校订 ...

5.东方的,东部的 analyze vt. 分析 eastern a. 东方的,东部的;向东方的,来自东方的 work on 从事…;对…有影响 ...


1.This style of combining both Western and Eastern forms was one of the mainstreams of Taiwanese sculpture until the 1990s.这种折衷东西方形式的风格直到1990年代仍然是台湾抽象雕塑的主力之一。

2.Before he set out on his expedition he killed his brother Bardiya (Smerdis), whom Cyrus had appointed governor of the eastern provinces.在他出发远征之前,他杀死了他的兄弟,已被居鲁士任命的东方省份统治者,巴尔迪亚。

3.Russia has veto power in the U. N. Security Council and can stop the passage of any resolution against the volatile Middle Eastern nation.俄罗斯在联合国安理会拥有否决权,可以阻止通过任何针对叙利亚这个动荡的中东国家的决议。

4.He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented.埃里克·特林考斯说,已经有几十份尼安德特人的墓葬被记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧、东欧甚至西南亚。

5.Evan and his wife moved out to the Eastern Shore of Maryland to be closer to his wife's family.然后Evan和他的太太搬迁到靠近太太家庭的马里兰州的东海岸。

6.Until mid-March, Ed Ou was on assignment for The Times in Benghazi, shooting primarily feature photographs in and around the eastern city.直到三月中旬,摄影师Ed·Ou受《时代》杂志委派仍坚守在班加西,在这座利比亚东部城市的内部以及周围地区拍摄重要特写。

7.She is often referred to as "Theotokos" in Eastern Orthodox hymns.她在东正教的赞美诗中被提出及到为“神的母亲”。

8.The hotel is rare in the garden city of hotels, is the only eastern Guangzhou Tianhe BusinessInjurcolleguia a four-star hotel.酒店中心花园,亭台水谢、绿树成荫,是大都市中难得的园林式酒店,是广州天河东部唯一一家四星级涉外商务酒店。

9.Perhaps those two eastern sophisticates, Mr Dervis and Mr Khaplzad, should cut through the squabbpng and sort the matter out.也许,这两位“东方通”——德尔维什先生和哈利勒扎德先生,应该从这次论争中走出来,把问题解决掉。

10.Before 1989, Romania's Securitate was one of the Eastern bloc's largest secret popce forces in proportion to its population.1989年前,`该国的安全机构就其在人口中所占比例而言,是东欧最大的秘密警察队伍之一。