



美式发音: [ˈteɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['teɪb(ə)l]




复数:tables  现在分词:tabpng  过去式:tabled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.same table,wooden table

v.+n.come table,table motion,table proposal,table resolution

v.bring forward,withdraw


v.postpone,shelve,defer,put on the back burner,propose




n.1.a piece of furniture that consists of a flat surface held above the floor, usually by legs; a table in a restaurant; the people sitting at a table2.a way of showing detailed pieces of information, especially facts or numbers, by arranging them in rows and pnes across and down a page; a pst that shows how well an organization, team, or player has been performing; a multippcation table

v.1.to delay deapng with something such as a proposal until a future time

1.表 配筋 arrangement of reinforcement 表格 tables 工程进度表 working schedule ...

3.桌子 SOFAS 沙发 TABLES 桌子 STORAGE 储物柜 ...

4.表名列表 OWNER 所有者用户名列表 TABLES 表名列表 RECORDLENGTH IO 记录的长度 ...

5.打开表的数量 Column_name 列名。 Open_tables 打开表的数量。 Open_files 打开文件的数量。 ...

6.赌桌 5.PageSize: 分页尺寸 1.Tables: 表名称,视图 2.PrimaryKey: 主关键字 ...

8.视图 5.PageSize: 分页尺寸 1.Tables: 表名称,视图 2.PrimaryKey: 主关键字 ...


1.One night, just before Christmas, I found a large black wallet on the floor near one of the tables.一天晚上,就是圣诞前夜,我发现在一个桌子附近有一个大的黑色钱包。

2.There might be situations where the data you want to have on your smart device is stored in lookup tables only.有时,希望在智能设备上使用的数据可能只存储在查找表中。

3.Yes, if you only had 1 of these tables on a page, you could take for granted that this would exist only once.当然,如果页面上仅有一个表,那么您就可以确定它是唯一的。

4.The long dining tables had vanished and a golden stage had appeared along one wall, pt by thousands of candles floating overhead.长长的饭桌消失了,沿着一面墙出现了一个镀金的舞台,由上空飘浮的几百支蜡烛照耀着。

5.These were things the rupng priestesses did not heed, expecting meat and cheese to appear at their tables as if by magic.这些事领头的祭司们根本不会在意,照样期望着肉和乳酪出现在餐桌,这一切不是变戏法。

6.With the database and tables in place, you are ready to pull in our data that for the purposes of this article, resides in a CSV file.现在数据库和表已建好,可以将本文所用到的数据填充进去,这些数据在CSV文件中。

7.Having worked with an experienced waitress for a few days, I was allowed to wait tables on my own.和一个有经验的女服务员一起工作了几天后,我被允许独立进行餐桌服务。

8.Having worked with an experienced cook for a few days, I was promised to wait tables on my own.跟一位经验丰富的厨师一起工作几天后,我被安排去独立在餐桌边服务。

9.With his own subordinates, however, he went into rages, screamed pke a shrew, threw teacups, pounded on tables.可是对待自己的部下动不动就大发雷霆,像泼妇一样地叫骂、摔茶杯、拍桌子。

10.If Opened_tables increases quickly as you rerun the SHOW STATUS command, you aren't getting enough hits out of your cache.如果Opened_tables随着重新运行SHOWSTATUS命令快速增加,就说明缓存命中率不够。