



美式发音: [ˈluzər] 英式发音: [ˈluːzə(r)]



复数:losers  同义词



n.1.损失者;损失物;失败者;输者2.〈美〉被判过徒刑的罪犯3.〈英〉同“losing hazard. a good [bad] loser”

n.1.<BrE>Same as losing hazard. a good [bad] loser2.someone who did not win a race, competition, fight, etc.3.someone who has never been successful and is never pkely to be4.someone or something that is affected in a negative way by something1.<BrE>Same as losing hazard. a good [bad] loser2.someone who did not win a race, competition, fight, etc.3.someone who has never been successful and is never pkely to be4.someone or something that is affected in a negative way by something

1.失败者 Winners 赢墩 Losers 输张 Lost 丢掉(局或满贯) ...

4.输者赌以翻本;赌赢的人则生骄傲,以言语或举措激辱输者,输者(Losers)甘心受辱,甘心失财,求翻本洗雪(Wipe out)侮辱,终 …

5.输家组合omentum Strategy) , 即通过卖空输家组合(Losers) 并买进赢家组合(Winners) 套 利。


1.He would take a loss and make it a win. That's what made him a winner and others losers.他会接受损失并将它变成赢利,而这也是他最终成为赢家而别人成为失败者的最根本的原因。

2.One of my friends told me : Even if other people treat you as a monster, the villain, or losers, This does not mean that you can do!我的一个朋友曾告诉我:即使别人把你当作怪物,恶棍,或者失败者,这并不意味着你就是这样!

3.Jim: As you know, there were three candidates, and the total votes the two losers got were more than the winning candidate got.你也知道一共有三个候选人,其中两个落选人员的得票数加起来比当选人员的得票数多。

4.While Martha Stewart made a profit from her cell, another wealthy inmate was one of this year's biggest losers.虽然玛莎斯图亚特在牢房里大赚一笔,另一位富豪囚犯却是去年最大的输家之一。

5.Globapsation seems to have unified so much of the world against it, perhaps because there appear to be so many losers and so few winners.全球化似乎已使世界上如此之多的反对者团结起来,这也许是因为,在全球化过程中,输家显得如此之多,而赢家却寥寥无几。

6.'The government is still trying to pick winners and losers, and they've done a fairly horrible job at it. '中国政府仍在努力挑选赢家和输家,他们在这方面做得实在很糟糕。

7."The Europeans are the biggest losers of the economic crisis, even though the home of subprime madness was the U. S. "“欧洲人是经济危机的最大输家,虽然次贷危机的发源地是美国。”

8.The truth is that China is not unstoppable at all. It is vulnerable, and if it is hit by economic crisis the US will be one of the losers.事实是,中国绝非不可阻挡,它容易受到伤害,而且如果它受到经济危机的打击,美国将成为输家之一。

9.The whole idea of indexing and diversification is to avoid trying to pick winners and losers.编制指数和分散化投资的想法正是为了避免试图挑选上涨的和下跌的。

10.I won't be weeping for any of them, but there can be no doubt that they are the "biggest losers" in the events of the last three weeks.我并不会为他们中的任何一个人哭泣,但是毫无疑问他们是最近三个星期里发生的事件中的“最大的输家”。