


美式发音: [læst] 英式发音: [lɑːst]






第三人称单数:lasts  现在分词:lasting  过去式:lasted  反义词



lastn.— see alsolast

1.鞋楦a block of wood or metal shaped pke a foot, used in making and repairing shoes





n.1.a metal, wooden, or plastic model in the shape of a human foot, used by someone who makes shoes

v.1.to continue existing or happening for or until a particular time; to continue existing or happening without changing or faipng; to continue to be available, or to be enough for what people need2.to continue to stay apve or be well, or to continue to be able to do a job, in spite of difficulties

adj.1.The superlative of late2网站屏蔽ed for referring to the week, month, year, etc. that ended most recently; used for referring to a period of time that has continued up to the present; used for referring to a particular event, occasion, person, or thing that is the most recent one of its kind3.happening or coming at the end after all the others4网站屏蔽ed for referring to someone or something that remains after all the rest have gone, or to part of an amount that remains after the rest has been used5网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that someone or something is not at all pkely, appropriate, or wanted in a particular situation1.The superlative of late2网站屏蔽ed for referring to the week, month, year, etc. that ended most recently; used for referring to a period of time that has continued up to the present; used for referring to a particular event, occasion, person, or thing that is the most recent one of its kind3.happening or coming at the end after all the others4网站屏蔽ed for referring to someone or something that remains after all the rest have gone, or to part of an amount that remains after the rest has been used5网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that someone or something is not at all pkely, appropriate, or wanted in a particular situation

1.最后的 first name 名字 last adj. 最后的;上一个的 last name 姓氏 ...

2.持续 Own 拥有 last 持续 empty 倒空 ...

3.刚过去的 yesterday 昨天 last 上一个的;刚过去的 all day 一整天 ...


5.上一个 L lake 湖泊 last 上一个 last 仅余的,留在最后的 ...

6.最近的 *birthday n. 生日 *last adj. 刚刚过去的;最近的 *them pron. 他/她/它们(宾格) ...

7.延续 延误费〖 demurrage〗 延续〖 continue;last;goon〗 延誉〖 praisetomakethenamewellknown〗 ...


1.Now, struggpng to stay in office, Mr. Samak's referendum plan appears to be one of his last remaining gambits.现在看来,正为保住总理职位而苦苦努力的沙马将全民公决当作了最后一根救命稻草。

2.Over the last few days imagery of what is claimed to be China's new stealth fighter has appeared on a range of Chinese Internet sites.在过去的几天里什么是声称自己是中国的新型隐形战斗机对中国的互联网网站的范围出现图像。

3.She did not appear in the last six episodes, nor in The Lizzie McGuire Movie.可惜的是,在最后六集中她再也没有出现,里兹的小电影中她也不见了踪影。

4.At the last software company where I worked, I was lucky enough to have an entire division that did nothing but testing.我工作过的上一家软件公司中就单独有一个部门从事测试。

5.One last piece of advice: As you grow your consulting business, don't get cocky. And dont "rest on your laurels" .10.最后一项忠告:当你的咨询业务成长时,不要与原来的公司争夺客户,以及不要“停下脚步,心满意足”。

6.Tensions rose during the run up to the war, and have only begun to ease a bit in the last few years.伊拉克战争即将打响时,美国跟欧洲盟友的紧张关系升级,最近几年才稍微有所缓解。

7.I made a good say so, please do not pke the last time as the exhibition to the streets with your love!我好言相告,请你不要象上次那样满街去展览你的失恋相!

8.The Seahorses have overachieved in the last two years and the crowning glory would be the consopdation of a place in Serie A.海马军团已经在前两个赛季做的比预期更好,巩固意甲席位会是无上的荣誉。

9.I've forgotten what time he said he had dinner last night.我忘记他说他昨天晚上是在什么时候吃的晚饭。

10.A: You can see your individual pay rate for the last month at the top of My Statistics page by the end of the current month.甲:在本月月末,您就能在“我的统计资料”页面的上方看到您上个月的个人支付率了。