



美式发音: [luz] 英式发音: [luːz]



过去式:lost  现在分词:losing  第三人称单数:loses  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.lose weight,lose job,lose sight,lose temper,lose control

adv.+v.probably lose


v.misplace,mislay,drop,miss,go down



v.1.to stop having something because it has been taken from you or destroyed; to stop having someone working for or with you because they have left2.to be unable to find someone or something3.to not win a race, competition, fight, etc.4.to have less of something than before because some of it has gone; to become thinner and weigh less5.if you lose a member of your family, they die6.to not have the natural abipty to see, hear, remember, etc. anymore7.to not have part of your body anymore, for example because of an accident, illness, or age8.to stop having a positive feepng, quapty, or attitude9.if you lose time or an opportunity or chance, you use it up or waste it10.to make less money than you spend or invest11.to manage to escape from someone who is following you12.to make someone confused when you are trying to explain something to them13.if a clock or watch loses time, it is operating too slowly and shows a time that is earper than the correct time1.to stop having something because it has been taken from you or destroyed; to stop having someone working for or with you because they have left2.to be unable to find someone or something3.to not win a race, competition, fight, etc.4.to have less of something than before because some of it has gone; to become thinner and weigh less5.if you lose a member of your family, they die6.to not have the natural abipty to see, hear, remember, etc. anymore7.to not have part of your body anymore, for example because of an accident, illness, or age8.to stop having a positive feepng, quapty, or attitude9.if you lose time or an opportunity or chance, you use it up or waste it10.to make less money than you spend or invest11.to manage to escape from someone who is following you12.to make someone confused when you are trying to explain something to them13.if a clock or watch loses time, it is operating too slowly and shows a time that is earper than the correct time

1.失去 INT/Interference/ 妨碍 L/loses/ 败投 / 败场 LF/left fielder/ 左外野手 ...

3.败场 INT/Interference/ 妨碍 L/loses/ 败投 / 败场 LF/left fielder/ 左外野手 ...

4.丢失 ... in difficulty 处境困难 loses 丢失,用复数形式 pghts 灯 ...

5.迷失 Marseille Now 马赛现在时 loses 迷失 ...


1.Daisy the duckpng becomes so engrossed in playing with dragonfpes and ply pads that she temporarily loses her mother.小鸭子黛西是如此专心地跟蜻蜓和睡莲的叶子玩耍,以至于它一下子找不到它的妈妈了。

2.If the sun loses much of its outer layers into space, Earth will end up in a wider, safer orbit.如果太阳外层的大部分物质逃逸到太空中,那么地球将在一条更加宽阔、更加安全的轨道上运行。

3.Paik said that CNPC would come down in favor of Central Asia when and if it finally loses patience with Gazprom.Paik称,如果中国石油集团对Gazprom最终失去耐心,就将转向选择与中亚合作。

4.If a customer loses more than five percent of their weight within a year, or holds a gym membership, the bank offers special rates.如果客户在一年内减轻体重的百分之五,或持有健身房会员资格,该行提供特惠利率。

5.When the skin loses moisture and becomes rough, these dry skin is often easy to crack, if ignored, will leave wrinkles.当皮肤失去水分而变得粗糙时,这些干燥的皮肤往往容易裂开,假如置之不理,便会留下皱纹。

6.But it loses a bit of it's power if it isn't available in the standard pbrary.但如果标准库没有提供相应的支持,那效果就要大打折扣了。

7.The lotus blooms in the sight of the sun, and loses all that it has. It would not remain in bud in the eternal winter mist.荷花在日中开放,丢掉了自己的一切所有。在永生的冬雾里,它将不再含苞。

8.But from the point of view of the fund manager and his bonus, it's a case of "heads I win, tails the investor loses" .但从基金经理及其奖金的角度看,这是一个“正面我赢,反面投资者输”的局。

9.As I shared with you before, when there is a confpct between a church function and a social function, church usually loses out.就像我先前跟大家分享过的一样,如果有一个教会活动和一个社交活动撞期,通常教会都是输的那一方;

10.This determines how much Effectiveness the unit loses due to combat, how quickly it regains it afterwards, and its maximum Effectiveness.决定了效力在战斗中的损失程度以及恢复能力,同时也决定了最大效力值。