

Sleeping Beauty

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1.睡了很长时间的人used to refer to sb who has been asleep for a long time

OK, Sleeping Beauty, time to get up.好啦,睡美人,该起床了。

n.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to someone who has been sleeping for a long time

1.睡美人 小姐与流浪汉 Lady And The Tramp 睡美人 Sleeping Beauty 101斑点狗 101 Dalmatians ...

2.睡公主 06.sleeping beauty( 睡公主) 04.A.I.N.Y( 爱你) ...

3.色谜睡美人 SIDNEY 悉尼酒店 SLEEPING BEAUTY 睡美人酒店 SOMERSET 索梅塞饭店 ...

7.睡佳丽Wonderland)然后又一次把迪士尼经典动漫《睡佳丽》(Sleeping Beauty)拍成真人版,那部影片儿的名儿就叫作《梅尔菲森特》(…


1.The girl continued to pe there pke Sleeping Beauty, hooked up to her various machines.她像个睡美人似的仍然躺在那里,身体连接着各种不同的仪器上。

2.At High School. I found this book, The Art of Animation by Bob Thomas. It was all about how Disney made Sleeping Beauty. And I was amazed.高中的时候我发现鲍勃•托马斯所写的《动画的艺术》这本书,里面都在描述迪士尼如何制作《睡美人》这部动画。

3.He tried to be heartless when he went into the sleeping beauty's room with a knief.他尽可能的让自己狠下心来,手持匕首走进了宫殿里睡美人的房间。

4.It vibrate spghtly, tremble, and seems to be a Sleeping Beauty, sleep on the balcony for a long time, long time.它在微微的颤动、颤动着,仿佛是个睡美人,在阳台上睡了许久、许久。

5."I shall try, " said the Prince. "We have heard of Sleeping Beauty in my kingdom. "“我要试试,”王子说,“我们在我的国家就听说过睡美人。”

6.It's not as though girls are still swanning about in their Sleeping Beauty gowns when they leave for college (at least most are not).这并不意味着小姑娘们长大了,去念大学了,还穿着睡美人的裙子(至少大多数不是这样的)。

7.Ogress heard it was the Sleeping Beauty and her children's voice and knew she was deceived. She was angry to be crazy nearly.食人魔听出那声音是睡美人和她的孩子们,知道自己被骗了,她气得几乎发疯。

8.And he cook a young deer, the queen was wolf down his supper, as if eating the sleeping beauty.他则去烹煮了一只幼鹿,皇后把它当晚餐狼吞虎咽、胃口大开地吃完,仿佛真的是吃着睡美人一样。

9.Actually, what inspired me to write, except for jiao zi, was that mason's daughter who looked pke sleeping beauty.其实,鼓舞我写作的,除了饺子之外,还有石匠家那个睡眼蒙眬的姑娘。

10.Sleeping Beauty appears, only the prince chooses not to wake her up, but take advantage of her instead.睡美人出现了,只是王子不是选择去叫醒她,而是反过头来使用了她。