




1.永远的朋友 Luck hat 幸运帽 Friends forever 永远的朋友 How could you? 一只狗狗的临终告白 ...

2.永远的好朋友 ... If i Die young( 年轻早逝) Friends Forever( 永远的好朋友) A Bad Emotions of the day( 辛酸的心情) ...

3.永远是朋友 ... 12. 迟来的爱 Love Too Late 01. 永远是朋友 Friends forever 02. 潮湿的心 Weeping Heart ...

4.永远好朋友 ... 06 超级脚踏车 the big bike 07 永远好朋友 friends forever 09 小可的神秘事件 Michael’s mystery ...

5.永远都是朋友 ... 3 【书名】我们的归属( WHERE WE BELONG) 4 【书名】永远都是朋友FRIENDS FOREVER) 5 【 …

6.一辈子的朋友 ... 急救点( First Aid Point) 一辈子的朋友( Friends forever) 医疗服务团队( Medical Services Team) ...

7.友情永远Happy Birthday)和2012年面世的《友情永远》(FRIENDS FOREVER)。

8.朋友万岁 27.FRIENDS FOREVER 朋友万岁 1.Friends are pke flowers 朋友就像花 …


1.Premier Wen Jiabao said the two would remain friends 'forever' when he met Mr. Gilani on Wednesday.国务院总理温家宝周三会晤吉拉尼时说,中巴将永远是朋友。

2.Pakistan and China will remain friends forever. Our enemies are trying to break this relation, but they will be defeated, InshaAllah.中巴友谊天长地久,我们共同的敌人总是试图破坏这种关系,他们的阴谋是不会得逞的!

3.I thought Mike and I would be friends forever, and maybe we have to make those movies together, right?我想迈克和我会是永远的朋友,而且也许我们要一起拍摄电影,不是吗?

4.She drew a large heart around the name, then glued candy hearts with phrases pke "friends forever" and "be mine" .她还环绕这名字画了一个大大的鸡心,又用糖纸做成心形粘贴成“永远的朋友”,“成为我的”等短语。

5.However, the Tientaomeng, however, so suddenly you had to leave us so that all become friends forever in the hearts of the pain!然而,天道无常,你竟这样突然地离开了我们,让这一切成为朋友心中永远的痛!

6.U, some touched cannot say, some thoughts only a heart, some friendship said it was not clear, some friends forever!有些感动无法言语,有些思念只放在心里,有些友情说不清楚,有些朋友天长地久!

7.Ther is no doubt that we wpi be friends forever.毫无疑问,我们永远是朋友。

8.For those of you who insist on using petty things pke vowels and consonants, BFF is slang for Best Friends Forever.对你们中坚持要用元音和辅音这些小东西的人来说,BFF表示永远最好的朋友。

9."Friends forever, " he said.“永远是朋友,”他答。

10.To be friends forever and never be enemies is the correct choice of the two countries.世代友好,永不为敌,是我们两国正确的选择。