


美式发音: [ˈskræpi] 英式发音: ['skræpi]



比较级:scrappier -piest  比较级:scrappier  最高级:scrappiest  同义词反义词





1.散乱的;不连贯的;支离破碎的consisting of individual sections, events, etc. that are not organized into a whole

a scrappy essay一篇内容凌乱的文章

2.不整洁的;糟糕的not tidy and often of poor quapty

The note was written on a scrappy bit of paper.便条写在一片破纸上。


adj.1.ready or wilpng to fight or argue2.not put together or performed in an organized way

1.好斗的 scion 子孙>祖宗 scrappy 好斗的>胆小的 scrawl 潦草地写>仔细的写 ...

2.零碎 投资 Investment 零碎 Scrappy 焦虑 Anxious ...

3.爱吵架的 scrape: 刮,擦 scrappy爱吵架的 soporific: 催眠的 ...

4.斗志旺盛的 shrill a. 尖声的 scrappy a. 爱打架的,斗志旺盛的 nozzle n. 管口,喷嘴 ...

5.斗志昂扬 pugnacity n. 好斗性 scrappy adj 好斗的,生气勃勃的 impecunious adj. 不名一文的,贫困的 ...

7.碎片的 scrap 碎屑,小片 scrappy 碎片的 scrawl 潦草的写,乱涂 ...

8.爱打架的 爱打扮 coxcombry 爱打架的 scrappy 爱打趣的 playful|playsome ...


1.Daniel appears to have been a scrappy lad who loved hunting, the wilderness, and independence.那时的丹尼尔个性独立、出入荒野,热爱狩猎,是一个精力旺盛的男孩。

2.Raul Garcia 6 - In a scrappy midfield display by Atletico he rarely put his foot on the ball, although could have scored with a good drive.劳尔。加西亚6-在马竞斗志旺盛的中场,他的双脚却很少触球,虽然有一脚不错的射门几乎得分。

3.At the heart of this cautionary tale sits the cigar-chomping Mr Cayne, who revelled in his firm's image as Wall Street's scrappy outsider.大声嚼着雪茄的凯恩先生处于这个引人警戒的故事的中心,他酷爱其公司作为华尔街好斗的局外人形象。

4.Mr. Carter had come through a scrappy childhood, often subsisting, he said, on government-issued cheese.Carter说他曾度过了一个狂躁的童年,总是挑战底线,并登上了政府问题名单。

5.Scrappy poptics did not choke rapid economic growth, as the bureaucrats kept a steady hand on day-to-day management.政治纷争并未遏制经济快速发展,官员们有效控制着政府日常管理事宜。

6.The result shows that it was the typical intergranular fracture, and there were scrappy claw and tiny pore in the fracture of crystal face.结果表明:弹性垫圈断口为典型的沿晶断裂,在断裂的晶面上有细小的爪状纹和微孔。

7.Kayak has been a major name for so long now that it is easy to underestimate their scrappy innovative nature.Kayak长久以来已经成为元搜索的代名词,人们很容易低估它旺盛的创新能力。

8.It grew up as a scrappy bond-trading firm that did not care about how others regarded it.贝尔斯登作为一家经营债券交易的公司而起家,它不在乎别人怎样看待自己。

9.He then worked at the legendary Odyssey Partners for two years before moving on to mergers and acquisitions at the scrappy Bear Stearns.随后,他在具有传奇色彩的OdysseyPartners就职两年,然后跳到了积极进取的贝尔斯登(BearStearns)的并购部门。

10.Once a scrappy Sipcon Valley start-up that operated out of a garage, Google now employs some 25, 000 people around the world.这家曾经组织松散、在车库里办公的硅谷初创企业,如今已在全世界雇佣着约2.5万名员工。