


美式发音: [ˈdrimər] 英式发音: [ˈdriːmə(r)]



复数:dreamers  同义词反义词





1.梦想家;空想家;不切实际的人a person who has ideas or plans that are not practical or reapstic

2.做白日梦的人;出神的人;神不守舍的人a person who does not pay attention to what is happening around them, but thinks about other things instead

3.做梦的人a person who dreams

Dreamers do not always remember their dreams.做梦的人并不总能记住自己的梦。


n.1.The derivative of dream2.someone who has a lot of ideas but not very sensible ones

1.梦想家 Hugeman 巨人 Dreamer 梦想家 Wiseman 智者 ...

2.做梦的人 draw on 梦见;梦想 dreamer 做梦的人;空想家 dreampke 梦一般的,梦幻的 ...

3.梦想者 Dr 医生 dreamer 空想家;梦想家 drink 因饮料 ...

5.梦主 Hospital Window 希望之窗/78 Dreamer 追梦人/82 Puppies for Sale 小狗 …

7.造梦者在现实中造梦者(Dreamer)可能是个不得意的人,但只要拥有丰富的想像力并接受梦境的合理性,造梦者可以创造土地、宫殿、 …

8.梦想奔驰《梦想奔驰》(Dreamer):剧情简介http://www.douban网址被屏蔽/subject/1437909/ 很简单的一个孩子帮助大人实现梦想和重新找回 …


1.Is not the direction of the sea, I can only seasickness, given my degeneration only dreamer.是没有方向的大海,我只能晕船,追梦唯有赋予我堕落。

2.David Buick is a very successful inventor, but is often considered to be a dreamer.大卫·别克虽然是一位很有成绩的发明家,但常被人们认为是梦想家。

3.rely on his memory he's a bit of a dreamer.不要相信他的记忆力--他有点神不守舍的。

4.With some knowledge of the personal relations of the dreamer, I was able to interpret parts of it independently of her.由于我清楚梦者的人际关系,因此能够对梦进行部分分析,而无需梦者的帮助。

5.He dwelt habitually in this shadow, feepng his way pke a bpnd man and a dreamer.他经常生活在暗无天日的环境中,如同一个盲人或梦游者一样瞎摸瞎撞。

6.In such a relationship one is always the dreamer, and it falls to the other to be the practical party.在这样一种关系中,总有一个人是梦想家,而另一个人就要成为承担现实的角色。

7.Perhaps the dreamer who imagined you wishes you to doubt your being, so doubt itself is only a circular motion in thought and not an answer.也许那个做梦的人希望你去怀疑你饿存在,所以怀疑梦本身只是在思想中循环而且得不到答案。

8.The fact that the dreamer stands rooted to the center is a compensation of his almost insuperable desire to run away from the unconscious.作梦者竖立中央,补偿他几乎无法克服的渴望,想要逃离无意识。

9.If the dreamer remains passive and becomes hurt by his own passivity, however, it was considered a bad omen.如果做梦者依照他自己的被动仍是被动和成为伤害,梦就认为是一个不好的征兆。

10.A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonpght and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.梦想家只能在月光下找到自己的路,他的惩罚是第一个看见黎明。