


美式发音: 英式发音: [sə'rentəu]



un.1.town and resort on the southern shore of the Bay of Naples, in Naples Province, Campania Region, in southern Italy.

1.索伦托 Siracusa/ 锡拉库萨 Sorrento/ 索伦扥 Spoleto/ 斯波莱托 ...

7.索连多向晚时分,我们已经到了索连多(Sorrento),一杯香槟对著峭壁边海上落日,在幻起幻灭的泡沫之间,望断血红斜阳的殒落。像 …

8.擎天半岛擎天半岛(SORRENTO)市场热卖住宅:6座 中层 846尺 $1200万 每平方尺$14,184  东南海园相辉 6座 高层 846尺 $1300万 每平 …


1.Dasey managed a giggle and said that would be fine, but only if her grave could be in the Sorrento cemetery, facing west towards the ocean.卡罗琳娜强颜欢笑,说只要她的坟墓能在索伦多公墓面向西对着大洋,就再好不过了。

2.Most Sorrento fishermen head out with lobster traps and fresh bait.大部分渔民带着捕龙虾器和新鲜饵走出来。

3.On a recent morning, a fishing boat left the pubpc dock in the seaside community of Sorrento, Maine.在最近的一个早晨,一艘渔船离开索伦托,缅因州的海滨社区的公共码头。

4.The top European destination for food and wine was Florence in Italy, with Paris second, Rome third and Sorrento in Italy fourth.顶级欧洲食品和葡萄酒旅游目的地是意大利的佛罗伦萨,巴黎位居第二,罗马第三,意大利的索伦托第四。

5.Seattle's Sorrento hotel has sponsored a night school where guests can gather of an evening to discuss the latest hit book.西雅图的索伦托酒店发起了一所夜校,客人可在此聚会,讨论最近的冲榜热书。

6.One July evening I was giving an almost flawless rendition of "Come Back to Sorrento, " and my parents called me to an open window.七月的一个傍晚,我正在拉“重回索联托”,拉得几乎完美无缺。父母突然把我叫到窗前。

7.Sandi Weld, of Sorrento, Fla. , says when she moved to Iron Mountain, Mich. , her sheep began producing steel wool.来自佛罗里达州索伦托的珊迪·威尔德声称她的绵羊在她移居密歇根州的铁山后长出了钢丝绒。

8.I am awaiting my contact on a bench overlooking the placid bay between Sorrento and the hazy mountains of Acadia National Park.我正坐在一条长椅上等我的联系人,俯视着位于索伦托和模糊的阿卡迪亚国家公园山脉之间的这个恬静的港口。

9.From Naples you can take a train to Sorrento (1 hour, about $3), and then a bus to Positano.从那不勒斯你可以坐火车到索伦托(1小时,约3美元),然后乘公共汽车去波西塔诺。

10.From Sorrento to Port Clyde I drive "up" (south).从索伦托到克莱德港我朝“上”(南)开。