




1.上野有三家具有商业化 量产p-HBA的厂商,包括:日本上野制药(UENO)、中国圣效化学品、台湾三福化工。

5.上野制药公司,可以将原有设备的产能倍增。上野制药公司(Ueno)则是全球最大的LCP原料(PHB,HNA等)制造厂商,并朝下游的LCP产品 …

6.上野车站相对于热闹的地方比如秋叶原车站(Akihabara),上野车站(Ueno)和东京车站(Tokyo Station)来说,这个车站很少有火车停。一家7-e…


1.Ueno veterinarian and a panda keeper are escorting the pair to Tokyo on an aircraft decorated with a black-and-white panda design.来自上野公园的兽医和熊猫饲养员全程护送这对大熊猫乘飞机抵达东京,这架飞机机身使用了黑白相间的熊猫设计。

2.Ueno-koen Park is a good place to see cherry blossoms and one of Tokyo's most crowded parks on Sundays.上野公园是一个欣赏樱花的绝好地方,上野公园也是星期天这一天,东京最拥挤的公园之一。

3.But one day its boss, 38-year-old Takeshi Ueno, came into a staff meeting waving a book.然而某天,38岁的店长上野武在参加员工大会时展示了一本书。

4.Branch chief Yukio Ueno said at a press conference, "do not understand the relevant facts. "官房长官枝野幸男在记者会上称“不了解相关事实”。

5.Yukio Ueno branch the day after the earthquake, the face of five news conferences, and continue to release information to the pubpc.枝野幸男在地震发生后一天面对5场新闻发布会,不断为公众发布信息。

6."Japan's rural crisis offers a gpmpse of the entire nation's future, " said Yasunari Ueno, an economist at Mizuho Securities in Tokyo.“日本的农业危机预示着整个国家的未来”,东京瑞穗证券经济学家康成野表示。

7.In the Japan that I know, I board the Joban Line train from Ueno station in Tokyo, and travel up the northeast coast to Iwaki City.我印象中的日本,我可以从东京的上野车站乘坐Joban线列车,然后沿着东北海岸行至磐市。

8.Ling Ling, the only Japanese-owned panda, died in Tokyo's Ueno Zoo last week.日本拥有的唯一一只大熊猫,上野动物园(UenoZoo)的大熊猫陵陵于上周去世。

9.The swimmers have got what they wanted and the door has opened for them, Japan's head swimming coach Koji Ueno said.“运动员们已经得到了他们想要的,门已经打开了。”日本游泳队主教练说。

10.Yukio Ueno branch that has entered the stable state of low-temperature stopped for Unit 5 and 6 will also be scrapped.枝野幸男表示,已经进入稳定低温停止状态的5号和6号机组也将报废。