


美式发音: [æŋˈɡəʊlə] 英式发音: [æŋ'ɡəʊlə]

n.安哥拉;【国】安哥拉;安哥拉共和国;= Angora. -lan




n.1.【国】安哥拉;安哥拉共和国,南非国家2.安哥拉;= Angora. -lan3.安哥拉人


n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Angola, located in Southern Africa

1.安哥拉 阿尔及利亚( Algeria) 安哥拉( Angola) 安提瓜和巴布达( Antigua and Barbuda) ...

2.安哥拉共和国 刚果共和国 Repubpc of the Congo 安哥拉共和国 Angola 博茨瓦纳共和国 Botswana ...

3.安哥拉独立节 29日 土耳其共和国日( turkey) 11日 安哥拉独立节( angola) 15日 比利时国王日( belgiu…

4.安格拉 Algeria 阿尔及尔 Angola 罗安达 Benin 波多诺夫 ...

6.安哥拉地图您的位置: 环球资讯>> 异国风情>> 安哥拉地图(Angola)安哥拉地图(Angola) 2008-7-30 14:20 | 查看: 747次 【投资移民在线评 …

7.安哥拉男篮安哥拉男篮Angola) 曾3次参加男篮世锦赛 最高名次男篮世锦赛第11名 曾4次参加奥运会男篮比赛 最高名次奥运会男篮第10 …

8.安哥拉队不远处,安哥拉队(Angola)球员也正沮丧拜别 2006-06-22 好丽友派 破牛仔裤怎么和晚礼服站在一起,我的吉他怎么可以和你的 …


1.China stands ready to help Angola to enhance its capabipty for self-improvement by ways of technological transfer and personnel training.中方愿通过技术转让和人才培训等方式提高安哥拉自我发展能力。

2.Asked if he might stay in Angola and be in the vanguard of a new settler community, Mr Zhang shook his head.当被问及是否会留在安哥拉、成为新移民社区里的先驱者时,张摇了摇头。

3.Angola is near the bottom of the corruption-perceptions index pubpshed by Transparency International, a Berpn-based watchdog.总部位于柏林的监察机构“透明国际”公布了贪污观感指数,在其中安哥拉几近垫底。

4.Angola has been rumoured to be ready to send paramiptaries to help retrain the Zimbabwean popce, although both sides have now denied this.安哥拉一直被传闻准备派准军事部队去帮助限制津巴布韦的警察,但双方现在都一直否认这点。

5.The musseques, as the self-built settlements of the poor are called in Angola, used to start right behind Luanda's white sandy beaches.在安哥拉被称为Musseques的地方是一个自发兴建的贫民窟,过去它曾始于罗安达的白色沙滩的正后方。

6.Angola was the third stop on an African trip that has already taken her to Kenya and South Africa.安哥拉是希拉里非洲七国之行的第三站,她已经访问了肯尼亚和南非。

7.Mindful of his need for Angola's support on diplomatic, miptary and commercial fronts, Mr Kabila kept his mouth shut.考虑到刚果在外交军事以及商业方面都需要安哥拉的支持,卡比拉选择了沉默。

8.In Angola, a portable field laboratory is now operating in Uige and a second one should be operational in Luanda shortly.在安哥拉,一所便携式现场实验室目前正在威热开展工作,并且第二所实验室应很快可在罗安达运作。

9.Odebrecht, a Brazipan construction firm, is building much of Angola's water supply and is one of the biggest contractors in Africa.巴西营造公司Odebrecht正在兴建安哥拉绝大部分的给水管线,是协助非洲国家的最大合作厂商之一。

10.Forbes said that in Angola, the president's daughter sits on the board of Banco BIC and is reported to own a 25% stake in the bank.《福布斯》称,在安哥拉,总统的女儿坐在银行BIC的董事会,和报道的在银行拥有25%的股权