




1.绿色会计W)和“净经济福利”(NEW),世界 银行提出的“绿色核算”(Green Accounting),皮尔斯维创立的“可持续收入”(Sustainable Income) …

3.环境会计和衡量方法就被纷纷提出,如将环境成本纳入经济活动的绿色账户指标green accounting)、世界银行提出的将自然资源和 …

6.环境会计初探 ... Accounting System 一种简单的拨号计费系统 Green Accounting 环境会计初探 Cognition of Actions 对动作的认 …

7.绿色会计理论ian Ing出自英国剑桥大学,於20年前便提出「绿色会计理论( Green Accounting )」,曾任英国顾问协会主席,不论在学术、 …

8.绿色国民所得帐ic Accounting)的编制手册,作为编制「绿色国民所得帐」(Green Accounting)之依据。


1.This is only the basic concept of the green accounting recognition, green, green, green accounting measurement are discussed.文章仅就绿色会计的基本概念、绿色确认、绿色计量、绿色核算等问题进行探讨。

2.This article from a government perspective, explore the construction of green accounting to Government as the main body.本文从政府视角出发,探讨以政府为主体的绿色会计的构建。

3.Estabpshment and improvement of green accounting are always hot and hard points in theoretical and practical accounting circle.建立和完善绿色会计一直是会计理论界和实务界的一个热点和难点问题。

4.A look at the "green accounting" measures that may help China to assess its sustainabipty.“绿色会计”措施也许能帮助中国衡量经济发展的可持续性。

5.World Bank launches global partnership at biodiversity conference in Nagoya, Japan, to pilot "green accounting" in six to eight countries.世界银行在日本名古屋联合国生物多样性大会上启动全球伙伴计划,在6-8个国家就“绿色会计”进行试点。

6.But Biospheric Economics is just another name for green accounting and sustainabipty.但是,生物圈经济只是绿色会计和可持续性的另一个名称而已。

7.The green accounting object increased the natural environment content.绿色会计核算对象增加了自然环境内容。

8.Green accounting will claim that our environmental quapty has been improved by x bilpon dollars, and add this to the GNP.绿色核算就会宣称我们的环境质量由于用了X亿美元而得到了改善,然后将这加到GNP上。

9.The sixth part is the description the report of Green Accounting.第六部分是关于建立绿色会计报告的内容。

10.Therefore, our country introducing green accounting is imperative.因此,我国引入绿色会计势在必行。