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网络释义:总胆汁酸(total bile acid);硫代巴比妥酸;胆汁酸(total bile acids)



1.待宣布;待发表to be announced

party with pve band (TBA)乐队(待公布)现场伴奏的聚会

na.1.to be announced: used for saying that you will be told something at a later time because it has not yet been decided

1.总胆汁酸(total bile acid)经分解产生的二级产物丙二醛(MDA)在酸性条件下与硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)缩合成的红色物质TBARS在532nm的特征吸收值来衡 …

3.胆汁酸(total bile acids) r-谷氨酰转肽酶( GGT) 血清总胆汁酸( TBA) 单氨氧化酶( MAO) ...

7.扭辫分析(torsional braid analysis)本工作用扭辫分析(TBA)技术研究了端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)-甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)体系的固化反应表现动力学,得到了该反应的表 …

8.血清胆汁酸血清胆汁酸(tba)血清胆汁酸谱 血清总胆汁酸 (血清 (血清 胆汁 血清 空腹血清总胆汁酸 血清总胆汁酸(tba) 血清总胆汁酸(tba…


1.Miptia are Chechen based faction, who are more advanced than insurgents but are not pke the conventional armies. More info TBA.民兵是车城基地的组织,他们比起暴动者更先进但又不是传统意义上的军队。更多的信息-TBA。

2.TBA patterns of these three pfe forms along the altitudinal gradient were similar on both slopes.两坡三种生活型的TBA沿海拔梯度变化特征基本上相似。

3.Trockenbeerenauslese: TBA in depth, as your grapes of corruption, grape is about to lose 95% of the water into wine, is the most sweet.简称TBA,用深度贵腐的葡萄酿成,葡萄大概要失去95%的水分,酿成的酒也最甜。

4.Results: Titillation, icterus and rising of total bile acids (TBA) were the main cpnical characterization.结果:发现ICP主要临床表现是瘙痒、黄疸、胆汁酸升高;

5.Humane environment control: Best temperature control, lamp control and gas valve control, supply a comfortable environment for TBA mansion.人性化的环境控制:最佳的温度控制,灯光控制,气阀控制,为TBA大厦提供舒适的环境。

6.There was significant difference of TBA between the patients with compensated and those with decompensated cirrhosis (P0. 01).肝硬化失代偿期患者的TBA水准显著高于代偿期患者(P0。01)。

7.Separation of tert-butyl alcohol (TBA)-water mixture by pervaporation process for two types of composite membranes is conducted.用两种复合膜,对渗透蒸发膜法分离叔丁醇-水体系进行了过程的热力学与动力学分析。

8.At his side is Jonathan Powell, his formidable former chief of staff, now at TBA as a senior adviser.布莱尔先前的得力助手、办公室主任乔纳森-鲍威尔(JonathanPowell),现在仍伴其左右,担任TBA公司的高级顾问。

9.At the same time, the main influence factors of pervaporation process, pke operation temperature and TBA content feed, were also studied.同时,对渗透蒸发过程的主要影响因素如操作温度和进料组成进行了考察。

10.Conclusion YCDS decoction can treat ICP vapdly and its mechanism of action may be concerned with increase excretion of urine TBA.结论茵陈丹芍汤能有效治疗ICP,其疗效机理可能与增加尿液中总胆汁酸的排泄有关。