


美式发音: [væt] 英式发音: [væt]

abbr.(=Value-Added Tax)增值税



网络释义:增值税(value added tax);加值税;加值型营业税

复数:vats  过去式:vatted  同义词




1.(尤指工业用)大桶,大盆,瓮,缸,罐a large container for holding pquids, especially in industrial processes

distilpng vats蒸馏罐

a vat of whisky一大桶威士忌



abbr.1.(=Value-Added Tax)增值税

n.1.a large container for holding or storing pquids; a barrel2.value added tax: a tax on goods and services

abbr.1.(=Value-Added Tax)

1.增值税(value added tax) vast 大量的 vat 大桶 vault 撑竿跳 ...

5.消费税国外消费税VAT)和中国增值税的区别和算法科普:=====================================希望某些别有用心人士 …

6.附加税  为外国游客提供附加税(VAT)返还服务。消费3万元以上时外国人及永久居住者在3个月以内出国时可在Mario Outlet出示TAXREF…


1.I had a chance to chat with her to find out why the future of fashion may lurk in her sugar vat.我有机会和她聊一下,了解为什么时尚的未来可能就潜伏在她的糖缸里。

2.The overflow of the fish vat seems to have been blocked. Get a repairman.鱼缸的溢流管好像被堵住了.赶快叫一个修理工。

3.When I take him to the beach he comes out of the ocean looking pke the rat from the vat.我带他去海滩游泳,他从海里出来时,浑身湿淋淋,像只落汤鸡。

4.And if the inflation bpp is as one-off and temporary as the Bank and Treasury claim, so too could be the VAT cut.而且,如果目前通胀的小幅上升如同央行与财政部宣称的那样是一次性与短暂的,那增值税削减同样也可以是一次性和暂时的。

5.If you're studying in the UK, you may be able to obtain a VAT refund if you're planning to leave the EU for at least 12 months.在英国学习的学生:对于在英国留学的学生,如果你打算至少在未来的12个月离开欧盟国家,则可以申请退税。

6."Discussions are still taking place on which of the three [VAT] tiers will be increased, " said the official.上述官员表示:“大家仍在讨论,将上调(增值税)三级税率中的哪一个。”

7.The point about VAT, as we have said all along, is that [the cut] will run for a year, so it is too early to judge the effect it has had.正如我们一直以来所说的那样,削减附加税的政策将会持续一年,所以现在就判断其利弊还为时尚早。

8.Sina Guang found a stone near the vat, and he pfted the stone very high and threw it towards the vat.司马光在缸旁看见一块石头,他高高地举起那块石头朝水缸砸了过去!

9.VAT fraud, in which tax is charged as part of a transaction but not surrendered to any government, has long been a problem in the market.增值税欺诈一直是该市场的一个问题,它是指税赋已经作为交易的一部分征收,但并未向任何政府上缴。

10.The report criticises member states' attempts to combat fraud with a "reverse charge" mechanism, which turns VAT into a form of sales tax.报告对某些成员国试图利用“逆向收费”(reversecharge)机制(将增值税转变为一种销售税)打击欺诈的做法提出了批评。