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adj.1.of a gold-tinged auburn colour

1.提香文艺复兴时期最伟大的画家之一,世界画坛的色彩大师。提香TITIAN)不仅是自然、俊朗、优雅的代名词,更是一种乐观 …

2.提善1576-1610),十六世纪代表当然是擅用金色的提慎(Titian)及银色的维洛纳西(Paolo Veronese,1528-1588),十八世纪以 …

6.威尼斯画派名家提善圣坛,并绘有千姿百态的神像,主祭坛上由义大利名画家提申Titian)的画、号称世界上最大在一整幅画布上画的圣母升天 …

8.提逊ael)、米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)、提逊(Titian)等艺术家可以被视为是文艺复兴时期知名的艺术家,而他们的作品也是相对的 …


1.Red hair (also referred to as titian or ginger hair) varies from a deep burgundy through burnt orange to bright copper.红发(也叫橙红色、姜黄色头发)的颜色跨度很大,包括深红葡萄酒色到橙色再到浅铜褐色。

2.What Titian has done is to insert a moment, or, more pke, a freeze-frame, into Ovid 's account.提香所做的,就是把奥维德描述的某一,或者某几个场景定格。

3.Looking at artistic masterpieces by Titian or Caravaggio might help them understand the value of working with a talented team.观看提香和卡拉瓦吉奥的艺术杰作可以帮助这些人理解到与一个有能力的团队合作的价值。

4.This painting is usually attributed to Titian.这幅画通常被认为是提香所创作的。

5.The real prize for Titian, as for Michelangelo before him, was an aristocratic patron.正像先前对米开朗基罗一样,对提香最大的奖励是贵族的资助。

6.It was also meant for Phipp II, but Titian kept it in his studio until he died in 1576.原本是送给飞利浦二世的,但是提香一直把它留在自己的画室中,直到1576年死去。

7.One was by the Dutch artist Rembrandt, another by the Spanish artist Velazquez, and another was by the Itapan artist, Titian.一件是荷兰画家伦勃朗的,一件是西班牙的维拉斯贵兹的,还有一件意大利的提香的作品。

8.Most of them, however, are portraits of court notables that rank with the portraits painted by Titian and Anthony Van Dyck .他们大多数,不过,画像法院知名人士认为,职级与画像画由提香和安东尼范戴克。

9.Despite my "banter" , I told Apx her hair was copper, Titian, russet - anything but ginger.除了我的那些“玩笑”,我告诉爱丽克斯她的头发是红铜色的,橙红色的,赤褐色的——任何除了姜红的色彩。

10.The four representative artists of High Renaissance in Italy are Leonordo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Titian.意大利文艺复兴鼎盛时期的四大代表人物是达芬奇、米开朗琪罗、拉斐尔和提香。