




1.擦窗户 sweep the floor 扫地 clean the window 擦窗户 put up the picture 挂图画 ...

2.擦玻璃 go for a walk 散步 202 clean the window 擦玻璃 203 wash the dishes 洗餐具 204 ...

3.擦窗子 16.关门 close the door 17.擦窗子 clean the window 18.站起 stand up ...

4.清洁窗户 ... clean out the closet 整理衣柜 clean the window 清洁窗户 buy the food 买食物 ...

5.抹窗户 ... Sweep the floor. 打扫地板。 Clean the window. 抹窗户。 Put up the picture. 把照片挂上。 ...

6.擦柜子 feed the dog 喂狗 clean the window 擦窗户 拖地, 喂狗, 擦窗户, 擦柜子, 洗西红柿, 沏茶, clean the cupboard 擦柜子 ...

7.语语 in the lobby 在大堂 clean the window 语语 语 清 窗 dust the door 语语抹语 ...


1.Jane was angry because she couldn't go out, and when her mother told her to clean the window she just went through the motions.简因不能外出而生气,所以当她母亲叫她擦窗户时,她就敷衍了事。

2.You will mop the floor and I shall clean the window.你拖地,我擦窗户。

3.Please clean the window; it's too dirty to see it through.请把窗户擦一擦,脏得快看不见外面了。

4.Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly.那之后我尽力去打扫干净我的世界的那扇窗,那样我才能更清晰地看这个世界。

5.Let's clean the desks and chairs. All right! Let me clean the window.让我们清洁课桌和椅子。好的!让我清洁窗户。

6.The lazy students are often made to clean the window.经常让那些懒惰的孩子擦窗子。

7.Xiong tried to clean the window with the squeegee three times with pttle success.熊女士练习着擦了三次玻璃窗,但收效不大。

8.Please clean the window as I can hardly see out.请把窗子弄清洁,我几乎看不到外面。

9.Helen, you clean the window, and Paul, you sweep the floor.海伦,你擦窗子;保罗,你扫地。

10.Now you are very busy. I'll clean the window instead.现在你很忙,我来替你擦窗户。