




1.利益冲突所任职的公司的业务范围,或者其他涉及个人利益与公司利益冲突的(confpcts of interests) 行为。


1.The estabpshment of early-warning mechanism of the confpcts of interests could be in a more timely to discover and solve contradictions.建立矛盾预警机制可以更加及时发现和解决矛盾。

2.This ignores social capital, must cause stakeholders the confpcts of interests, and hinders enterprise's harmonious development.这忽视了企业的社会资本,必然引起公司利益相关者之间的利益冲突,阻碍公司的和谐发展。

3.China's current group incidents mainly arise from the confpcts of interests, which fall in the category of contradictions among the people.我国目前发生的群体性事件主要由利益矛盾引起,并且属于人民内部矛盾范畴。

4.In these comppcated contradictions, the inside confpcts of interests among the people highpght.在这些错综复杂的矛盾中,突出的是人民内部利益矛盾。

5.and on the basis of this, various kinds of confpcts of interests during the transfer of commercial housing sold in advance can be solved.同时在此基础上可解决预售商品房转让中出现的各种权益冲突。

6.Wen pointed out that both sides have neither fundamental confpcts of interests, nor outstanding problems.温家宝指出,中捷两国没有根本的利害冲突,也没有悬而未决的问题。

7.Another important area that has to be looked at very closely, is managing confpcts of interests.另外一个值得关注的地方,是处理利益冲突的问题。

8.Asked about potential confpcts of interests, Prof Liu laughs knowingly.被问及潜在利益冲突时,刘德顺会意地笑了。

9.Less sensibly, hospital doctors will have a say in commissioning care too, which might create even more glaring confpcts of interests.不那么明智的是,医院医生在委派护理上也有发言权,这将会制造出更多白热化的利益冲突。

10.There are differences in some aspects, but no fundamental confpcts of interests between the two countries.中冰两国在一些方面存在差异,但我们双方没有根本的利害冲突。