


美式发音: [ˈɡʌz(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡʌzl]



现在分词:guzzpng  过去式:guzzled  第三人称单数:guzzles  同义词反义词


v.burn up,consume,drink,eat,get through



1.[t][i](informal)~ (sth)狂饮;猛喝;暴饮;(英式英语)狼吞虎咽to drink sth quickly and in large amounts. In British Engpsh it also means to eat food quickly and in large amounts.

The kids seem to be guzzpng soft drinks all day.孩子们似乎整天都在猛喝汽水。

My car guzzles fuel.我的汽车很耗油。


v.1.to eat or drink a lot quickly and with great enthusiasm

1.狂饮 gutturotetany 喉痉挛性口吃 guzzle 狂饮 gymnophobia 裸体恐怖症 ...

2.大吃大喝 guttural 喉的,咽喉的 guzzle 大吃大喝 gymnast 体操运动员 ...

3.暴食 ... booze n. 酒,酒宴 guzzle v. 狂饮,暴食,喝酒花掉(钱) ghastly adv. 可怖地 ...

4.豪饮 gastronomy( 烹调法,烹饪学); guzzle豪饮,狂吃); gasp( 喘气…

5.畅饮 embezzle 盗用;挪用 guzzle 畅饮 jigsaw puzzle 拼板玩具 ...

6.大量消耗 guttle v.狼吞虎咽 guzzle v.大吃大喝;大量消耗 gyrate a.旋转的;v.旋转 ...

7.牛饮 ... 1.allergic adj. 过敏的,反感的 2.guzzle v. 牛饮,暴食,喝酒失控 3.deficiency n. 缺乏,不足,缺点 ...


1.Thing is, all the world wants to know is how much more wine China can guzzle.眼下的情形是,整个世界都想知道,中国的葡萄酒消费还有多大的潜力。

2.Scientists say the toothpastes do make enamel more acid-resistant -- but not enough to protect you if you guzzle soda all day.不过,专家同时表示,虽然此类牙膏确实能提高牙釉质的耐酸性,但如果你整天狂饮苏打水的话,牙膏也是没有用的。

3.It has canceled many incentives devised to promote exports, especially for companies that guzzle energy and pollute heavily.中国还取消了许多旨在促进出口的奖励措施,尤其是对那些造成严重污染的企业。

4.You're the Pepsi generation, guzzle down and taste a thriller today, and feel the Pepsi way. Taste a thriller today, and feel the Pepsi way.你们是百事的一代,暴饮暴食,品味今天的惊险,感受百事可乐方式。品味今天的惊险,感受百事可乐方式。

5.Artificially cheap prices, they said, encouraged households and firms to guzzle more oil, pushing global prices higher.他们认为,人为降低汽油价格是鼓励家庭和公司抢购汽油的行为,此举必将使得全球油价飙升更高。

6.No matter how many Coca-colas you guzzle, you won't be able to chase down a cheetah or leap the Grand Canyon in a single bound.不管你狂饮多少瓶可口可乐,你不可能追逐印度猎豹或纵身一跃就飞过科罗拉多大峡谷。

7.But if domestic prices are capped , then emerging economies will continue to guzzle oil, pushing world prices still higher.但如果实行价格固定制,崛起的经济体还会持续侵吞石油,促使世界油价更高。

8.Guzzle the champagne and tuck into the starter: it will all fall apart from there.那就畅饮香槟,大吃第一道菜吧:后面的菜会很差劲。

9.The United States will guzzle 430, 000 fewer barrels a day this year, according to analysts at Lehman Brothers.根据雷曼兄弟的分析今年美国每天将少用430,000桶原油。

10.But around that time, China's economic expansion begin to accelerate sharply, especially in heavy industries that guzzle electricity.但从那时起中国的经济增长速度开始大幅加快,这一势头在需要消耗大量能源的重工业领域尤为明显。