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1.Cobbe saw the cleaned-up version, with the hair restored, and reapsed that it was a copy of his mystery painting at home back in Ireland.科布看到经过清理与恢复头发式样的版本,他方才意识到这幅画仅是他住在爱尔兰家时,家里那幅神秘绘画的一个副本。

2.When Alec Cobbe was growing up in a mansion near Donabate, the painting was just one of many in his family drawing room.亚历克·科布是在多纳贝特(Donabate)附近的一处宅邸里渐渐长大的,这只是挂在他家客厅里诸多绘画中的一幅。

3.Cobbe turned for help to his friend Wells, the Shakespeare scholar, and the two arranged to have the portrait tested.科布拒绝帮助他的朋友油井,莎士比亚的学者,和两个安排已经画像测试。

4.The Cobbe portrait, as the scholars now call it, shows a head-turner of a man.科布肖像正如现在的学者们总是这样称呼它,给人看的是一名“引人注目”的男子。

5.As a painting it didn't really stand out, because there were an awful lot of paintings in the house, '' Alec Cobbe told me this week.“作为一幅画,它实在没有什么超凡之处,因为这栋房子里的画多得怕人”,亚历克·科布在本星期里告诉我。

6.Mr Cobbe immediately reapsed he was looking at a copy of the painting that had been in his family for centuries.他立刻意识到,在他眼前的这幅画是他的家族中已珍藏几个世纪的画像的复制品。

7.And now the Cobbe family may have offered an insight into the most famous figure in Engpsh pterature.可是现在的科比和他的家人可能已经为人们提供了一条深入了解英国文学最著名人物的途径。