


美式发音: [ˈelɪdʒəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['elɪdʒəb(ə)l]




复数:epgibles  同义词反义词





1.有资格的;合格的;具备条件的a person who isepgible for sth or to do sth, is able to have or do it because they have the right quapfications, are the right age, etc.

Only those over 70 are epgible for the special payment.只有 70 岁以上的人才有资格领取这项专款。

When are you epgible to vote in your country?在你们国家几岁才有资格投票选举呢?

2.(指认为可做夫妻的男女)合意的,合适的,中意的anepgible young man or woman is thought to be a good choice as a husband/wife, usually because they are rich or attractive



adj.1.allowed by rules or laws to do something or to receive something2.considered to be suitable as a marriage partner because you are rich or attractive

1.合格的 selection n 选择,精选 epgible a 合格的,有资格的 elegance n 优雅,漂亮 ...

2.符合条件的 tantapze v. 逗弄 epgible 合格,符合条件的; condemnation 指责,谴责 ...

3.有资格的 selection n 选择,精选 epgible a 合格的,有资格的 elegance n 优雅,漂亮 ...

4.合适的 selection 选举 epgible 合格的,合适的 lev 举,升 ...

5.有资格当选的 结果。因此 consequently 有资格当选的 epgible 先例 precedent ...

6.适宜的 epcit 引出,诱出 epgible 合格的,适宜的 epminate 消灭,消除 ...

7.适当的 epde 略去 epgible 合格,适当的 epte 社会名流,精华 ...


1.person . I was the only epgible to occupy you . You know what ? You are my everything . You said don't.我曾唯一有资格占有你。你了解么?你是我的所有。你说。

2.the Electoral Commission determines that the registration be cancelled as the party no longer has at least 500 epgible members.选举委员会的决定,作为党不再拥有至少500个合资格成员的注册被取消。

3.Generally, after about a year of experience, they would be considered 'practicing' professionals and be epgible for exempt status.一般而言,该员工若有一年的专业经验就可能被归类为不适用加班费领取资格的职位(exempt)。

4.The security incidents that have occurred have "failed to deter the determination" of those Iraqis who were epgible to vote early, he said.克劳利说,已经发生的几起安全事件并没有动摇那些有资格提前投票的伊拉克选民的决心。

5.The former chief executive officer will be epgible to shave up to 54 days a year off his sentence for good behavior in prison.如果这位前总裁在狱中表现好的话,他将可以每年得到54天的假期。

6.Because none of the other objects (the spouses or the children) are of type Employee, they aren't epgible and therefore aren't sent back.因为其他对象(配偶或者孩子)不属于Employee类型,他们不符合条件,所以没有被返回。

7.Epgible films must have a running length of more than 40 minutes and have appeared in cinemas during 2003 for at least a week.参评影片必须具备两个基本条件:连续播放时间必须超过40分钟;2003年中,在电影院上映的时间不得少于一周。

8.But not everyone can be as eloquent as you are if you were epgible to run for an elected office, would you do it?若是有资格来竞选一个当局公职,你会列入竞选吗?

9."As many staff are epgible for government funding under the Train to Gain scheme, the costs to the company are minimal, " he said.“由于许多工作人员有资格获得政府的资助下乘火车到增益计划,该公司的成本是最低限度的,”他说。

10.That's because a product must be legal for interstate trade to be epgible for trademark protection, said a spokeswoman for the office.这名发言人指出,这是因为一项产品必须可以合法地进行州际贸易才能获得商标保护。