


美式发音: [biː] 英式发音: [biː]





b显示所有例句n.— see alsoB-road

1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 2 个字母the second letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Butter’ begins with (a) B/‘B’.butter 一词以字母 b 开头。

2.[c][u]B 音(C 大调的第 7 音或音符)the 7th note in the scale of C major

3.[c][u](学业成绩)第二等,良the second highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work

She got (a) B in/for History.她的历史科成绩是B。

4.[u](表示两个或两个以上可能性中的)第二个used to represent the second of two or more possibipties

Shall we go for plan A or plan B?我们选用第一方案还是第二方案?

5.[u](假设的或不指出姓名身份的第二人)乙,乙某used to represent a person, for example in an imagined situation or to hide their identity

Let's pretend A meets B in the park.假设甲某和乙某在公园里相遇。


1.B 级公路(英国公路代号,后接数字)used in Britain before a number to refer to a particular secondary road

the B1224 to York通往约克的 B1224 号公路


na.1.英语字母表的第二个字母2.(学习成绩) 乙等,良好3.【乐】B调; B音4.【医】B型血1.英语字母表的第二个字母2.(学习成绩) 乙等,良好3.【乐】B调; B音4.【医】B型血


na.1.the second letter of the engpsh alphabet2.the second highest grade in a series, e.g. an above-average grade for academic work3.[Music]the musical key based on the note B; the seventh note of a scale in C major4.[Medical & Healthcare]a human blood type, containing the b antigen1.the second letter of the engpsh alphabet2.the second highest grade in a series, e.g. an above-average grade for academic work3.[Music]the musical key based on the note B; the seventh note of a scale in C major4.[Medical & Healthcare]a human blood type, containing the b antigen

1.乙 Poncirin 枳属甙 Praeruptorin A,B,C,D 白花前胡甲,,丙,丁素 Proanthocyanidins 原花青素 ...

2.到 点的 场强。 a Q1 Q2 24、 点分别移 B、C、D、E 和 10 V,则 a、b ...

3.良好 ... (B) 良好 (B) 良好 (B) 良好 ...

4.第二 ... (A) 第一 (B) 第二 (C) 第三 ...

5.十亿 B 贝尔 b 十亿 B&S wire gauge 美国线规 ...

6.贝尔 B register 变址寄存器 B 贝尔 b 十亿 ...


1.B. J. Fogg, editor of a book called "The Psychology of Facebook, " says that you get out of these sites what you're looking for in them.在B.J.Fogg主编的新书《Facebook的心理学》中,他说到,你从那些网站里你会得到你要找的东西。

2.All you loved was Mel B's money , I didn't see that you could never be the type of man to meet my need .你只是看中了我的财富,你永远都不可能成为心中的标准男人。

3.One day, B in a newspaper to see a written essay, a call to ask the disease.有一天,乙在报上看到甲写的一篇散文,打电话去问甲的病。

4.Provide a variety of paths mode. A: Default path of the enemy's attack. B: open space, the enemy automatically find the road.提供多种路径模式A:规定敌人的进攻路径。B:开阔场地,敌人自动寻路。

5.De La Garza: I am so thrilled that Ford Moto Company is going to be entering the B-segment with such a highly competitive vehicle.德拉萨加尔萨:我很高兴,福特汽车摩托车公司将是进入的B段这样的高度竞争性的汽车。

6.Apologists for repgion point to the Sistine Chapel and Bach's Mass in B minor as some sort of justification for it.辩护者提到西斯廷教堂与巴赫的B小调弥撒作为为宗教辩护的理由。

7.A farewell to a pfe out of the plan is to leave the hospital, B to pve down.甲列了一张告别人生的计划表离开了医院,乙住了下来。

8.I can always count on you for a slamming mix, a no-B. S. opinion, or just a bit of well-informed advice.我经常依靠你做一些有爆发力的混音,或者仅仅是一点能让人长见识的建议。

9.B: Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.哦,它可能是个男孩。也许这些耳环是他送给妈妈的礼物。

10.As you may know, on the rushing step of B level examination, all seniors have been challenging by means of hard studying.此时正值B级考试冲刺阶段,全体高一同学皆在挥汗奋进、挑灯夜战,为自己、为学校拼搏。