


美式发音: [ˈʃelˌfɪʃ] 英式发音: ['ʃel.fɪʃ]







1.(尤指可以吃的)水生有壳动物a creature with a shell, that pves in water, especially one of the types that can be eaten. Oysters and crabs are both shellfish .


n.1.ocean creatures with a hard shell around them, for example crabs, mussels, and oysters; these creatures used as food

1.贝类 pink a.粉红色的;桃红色的 shellfish n.贝类;甲壳虫 lay v.下蛋;产卵 ...

2.贝类海鲜鱼子 Boiled Cod roes 鳕鱼子 2.贝类海鲜(Shellfish): Oysters 牡_?

3.水生贝壳类动物 Sewage 污水 Shellfish 水生贝壳类动物 Siting of industry 工农业选址 ...

4.甲壳类动物 super n. 不重要的角色, 冗员 shellfish n. 贝, 甲壳类动物 allergic adj. [医]过敏的, 患过敏症的 ...

5.水生有壳动物 settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于 shellfish n. 水生有壳动物 sigh vi. 叹息;叹 …

6.有壳的水生动物 shellene 壳烯 shellfish 有壳的水生动物 shelly pmestone 介壳灰岩 ...


1.Good to drink it as an aperitif or to accompany shellfish, especially oysters, lobster, etc.作为餐前酒十分理想,也可搭配贝类,特别是牡蛎、龙虾等。

2.He seemed to be shut up in himself pke a shellfish.他看来像贝壳似地把自己关闭起来,一点也不作声。

3.If you were on a voyage and the ship anchored in a harbor, you might go ashore for water and happen to pick up a shellfish or a plant.如果你在航海旅行,而船在某个港口靠岸,你有可能上岸取水,顺便捡拾贝壳或挑选一棵盆栽。

4.He said, so in the nowadays, you became into a pearl, and me your shellfish to protect you.他说,所以今生,你凝成我心尖的珍珠,我是守护你的蚌贝。

5.People, after eating shellfish, often a refreshing and pleasant feepng, which is no doubt that pfted some troubles symptoms is beneficial.人们在食用贝类食物后,常有一种清爽宜人的感觉,这对解除一些烦恼症状无疑是有益的。

6.But as carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere, ocean water becomes more acidic. And shellfish have trouble growing their shells.但随着大气中二氧化碳含量的增加,海水变得酸性更强。而甲壳类生物难以生成它们的甲壳了。

7.There was this long silence and then he said, 'Did you just call me a shellfish? '沉默了许久,他对我说,“你刚才是不是叫我贝壳来着?”

8.The most bizarre footnote to this tragedy, the king of shellfish and her mother while at the same hospital for mandibular surgery.这个悲剧最诡异的注脚是,王贝和她的妈妈同时在同一家医院做下颌骨手术。

9.Detection methods to investigate and track viral agents in food, with the exception of shellfish, have only recently begun to be developed.察觉在食品里调查并且跟踪病毒的代理人的方法,除贝之外,只是最近开始被发展。

10.A: I know there are people who have real, severe allergies, whether it's to a cherry or to shellfish. But I see a lot of stupid allergies.答:我知道有人真的会对不管是樱桃或是甲壳海鲜严重过敏,可是我见过许多愚蠢的过敏状况。