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1.恩格尔 对疾病的 对疾病的概念恩格尔 概念恩格尔(Engel) (Engel) 也给了一个 也给了一个 新定义 新定义::““疾病可看作是整个生物体或 …

2.恩格尔公司恩格尔公司Engel)是全球领先的注塑机制造商,座落于奥地利Schwertberg,属家族式经营集团. 创办于1945年,从事制造 …

3.英格英格Engel)先生强调说,维斯塔斯的员工有个特点,即对工作都有着特别的激情,“在商业领域,你很难找到这样的公司,也 …

4.恩格尔集团恩格尔集团ENGEL),作为全球注塑机生产商的佼佼者,没有局限于生产注塑机,它同时提供所有技术模块, 比如来自于单 …

5.天使7天使engel)同样来自战车~曲中时不时的口哨声,加上唯美女声伴吟~让这首DJ充满十足野性~还有~歌词也很美~8 feuer frei…

6.英格尔英格尔(Engel)/奥地利 20.025 北京敬业设备公司/中国 17.426 Technic(波米尼)公司/意大利 16.527 桂林橡胶工业设计研究院/ …

7.工程师恩格尔宣统元年三月(1909年5月)闸北水电公司请德国工程师恩格尔Engel)同往苏州河勘察水质,找到在潭子湾广肇山庄北首河 …


1.Engel: I think we are all to a degree motivated by the fact that people will see these images and understand what war is all about.恩格尔:我认为我们都会在某种程度上受到这种希望的激励,那就是希望人们会看到这些照片并知道这场战争。

2.You can't avoid anger any more than you can avoid confpct, insists psychotherapist Beverly Engel in her book, Honor Your Anger.精神治疗医师BeverlyEngel在《尊重你的愤怒》一书中指出:人不能回避愤怒,正如不能回避冲突一样。

3.Engel said that banks had begun lending to wind farm developers again and that the firm had seen an increase in orders in the past month.英格说,银行再度开始批准发放贷款给风电场开发商,公司上个月的订单数量也有所上升。

4.Marx wrote back to say that the Engel's praise had greatly encouraged him.马克思回信说恩格斯的赞扬大大的鼓舞了他。

5.Marx wrote back to say that Engel's praise had greatly encouraged him.马克思写回信说,恩格斯的表扬对他的鼓励很大。

6."I'm an opportunist, " says Engel. "I don't stick around longer than I need to. "恩格尔说:“我是一个机会主义者,我不会在一个地方停留太久。”

7.The President's commonsense approach captured the Court's intent in Engel.总统的一番情理之言表达了法院对恩格尔案的本意。

8."For this reason, the transfer of electronic coherence between excitons during relaxation has usually been ignored, " Engel said.“正因为如此,在弛豫期间激发态间电子相干的传递通常是忽略不计的,”Engel解释道。

9.Engel said people should "press legislators" to restrict phthalates in adult, as well as children's, personal care products.恩格尔建议大家应该“向立法者施压”,让他们不仅对儿童而且对成人个人护理产品中的邻苯二甲酸酯进行限制。

10.A group of parents went to court, and eventually the United States Supreme Court ruled in their favor in a case entitled Engel v. Vitale.一些家长走上法庭。最后,在一个被称作“恩格尔诉瓦伊塔尔”(Engelv.Vitale)的案子中,最高法院判他们胜诉。