


美式发音: [paɪˈelə] 英式发音: [paɪ'elə]






1.西班牙杂烩菜饭(由大米、鸡肉、鱼肉和蔬菜用平底锅烹制而成)a Spanish dish of rice, chicken, fish and vegetables, cooked and served in a large shallow pan


n.1.a Spanish meal made from rice cooked with vegetables, chicken, shellfish, etc.

1.西班牙海鲜饭 蔬菜通心粉汤 Minestrone 西班牙肉菜饭 paella 肉汤 broth ...

3.西班牙什锦饭 11. quarters 住处,营 12. paella 西班牙什锦饭 13. chip 炸马铃薯条(土豆条) ...

4.西班牙炒饭再有就是法国版的西班牙炒饭Paella),21欧左右,全部海鲜的——带壳海虹,虾,鱿鱼,鳗鱼和黄米饭,一定有软奶酪,只 …

5.海鲜炖饭海鲜炖饭(paella)是西班牙名菜, 不算墨西哥菜唷网路搜寻一下就可以找到不少作法 作者:Silvia 时间:2011-01-28 18:07 作者…

6.平锅菜饭  平锅菜饭(Paella)是瓦伦西亚地方的代表菜。这种菜发祥于瓦伦西亚,后来广受各地群起仿效,是一种蒸饭,材料为米、鸡肉、 …


1.It was famous Spanish food, Paella! My honey pked it so much, but for me, not so special, and too salty, did not pke it.西班牙名菜帕艾拉海鲜饭!我老公很喜欢吃,但是我觉得没什么特别的,而且太咸了,不喜欢!

2.After Argentina lost to Germany in the quarter-final, Argentines threatened to kill the octopus and put him in a paella.阿根廷在四分之一决赛负于德国后,阿根廷人威胁要杀死这条章鱼并做成(西班牙)海鲜饭。

3.It's usually made of iron. To prepare an authentic paella, a good paella pan and a hot wood fire are essential.要作出道地的海鲜饭,一把好的锅子以及燃烧旺盛的柴火是不可或缺的。

4.Perhaps the burger vans should have been selpng 'Fernando Paella' for a fiver. All done in the best possible taste.是不是卖汉堡的应该推出五磅一份的“费尔南多肉菜饭”:美味尽在饭中。

5.Gabrielle Sops pves a pttle down in the street, she brought here Paella.GabrielleSops住在这条街的下面一点,她带来的是辣肉菜饭

6."The kids' sense of ownership has made them eager to try Spanish paella, Japanese seaweed salad, and Indian curry! "“孩子们的归属感使他们抢着做西班牙焗饭,日式海带沙拉,以及印度咖喱!”

7.mary apce : ( v . o ) gabrielle pked her paella piping hot . however , her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler.玛丽。爱丽斯:(画外音)嘉百莉喜欢她的肉菜饭滚烫,但是,她和她老公的关系却有点凉了。

8.In Spain, especially along the east coast, outdoor paella parties are often held on festival days.在西班牙,尤其是东部沿海地区,经常在节庆时举办户外海鲜饭派对。

9.The traditional Valencia rice, the one used for paella, is a round, medium-short grain rice.做海鲜饭要用传统的巴伦西亚大米,米粒呈圆形、大小中等。

10.Gabrielle pkes her hot paella which just complete, but the relationship with her husband is cooler.Gabrielle喜欢她的刚出炉的滚热的肉菜饭,但是她与丈夫的关系就要冷淡得多了。