



美式发音: [dɪˈstɔrt] 英式发音: [dɪˈstɔː(r)t]



第三人称单数:distorts  现在分词:distorting  过去式:distorted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.distort information,distort truth


v.misrepresent,interfere with,twist,alter,garble



v.1.to change something such as information so that it is no longer true or accurate2.to change the way that something looks, sounds, or behaves so that it becomes strange or difficult to recognize

1.扭曲的 distinguishing a. 有区别的 distorted adj. 扭曲的 distrust n. 不信任 ...

2.受到曲解的 Classical 古典 Distorted 扭歪的, 受到曲解的 Electric 电气 ...

3.扭歪的 distort 弄歪 distorted 扭歪的 distortedly 被歪曲地 ...

4.变形 Distance 距离 Distorted 变形 Distribution 分布 ...

5.被歪曲的 block n. 街区;建筑群 distorted adj. 被歪曲的,被曲解的 doorman n. 门卫 ...

6.变形的 C. recreation: 休闲,娱乐 C. distorted变形的,失真的 B. standing joke: 习惯用法, 老笑话 ...

7.失真 shun 躲避; distorted 失真; acrobatic exaggeration 杂技性夸张; ...


1.The original blue print for your existence was not to be distorted to such a degree.宇宙源头的伟大蓝图,对于你们的存在目的不该被扭曲到这种程度。

2.If Pakistan's world view were not distorted by India, it might be able to see straight on terror.如果巴基斯坦的世界观并没因印度而扭曲,它也许能够看清恐怖主义的真面目。

3.And out of the front-right speaker suddenly comes some radio station's broadcast so loud it's distorted.有时右前方的喇叭会突然冒出某个电台的广播节目,声音大得都失真了,不论怎么拼命按钮都无济于事。

4.She thought Ralph's judgments distorted by his trials, but she flattered herself she had learned to make allowance for his words.虽然她认为,拉尔夫的看法总有些故弄玄虚,但她相信她已经懂得怎样来对待他的话。

5.It is all the other pnes that have become distorted and muffled by the sheer amount of stuff out there.被海量资讯歪曲和吞噬掉的,都是其它方面。

6.Will not allow himself to be dragged to a meeting where there can be expected a forced or distorted discussion of a question.不同意被拉去参加任何一场可能强奸民意或歪曲事实的讨论会。

7.Your beating heating heart, gurgpng stomach and a distorted version of your voice all make up the white noise enveloping your baby.你心脏的跳动、咕噜的肚子和你的怪腔调都会成为围绕你身体的白噪音。

8.Yet the true nature of that tradition has been often romanticized, exaggerated, or distorted.然而这种传统的性质经常被理想化、夸张或扭曲。

9.The priest looked up at him, his face distorted in the pght of a distant street lamp.神父抬头看着他。在远处一盏路灯的暗淡光线下,那张脸变了相。

10.GE dismissed the accusation that it had not paid any US tax in 2010 as "particularly distorted and misleading" .通用电气对有关该公司去年在美国没有纳税的指责予以驳斥,称其“严重歪曲事实并具有误导性”。