


美式发音: [ˌθiəˈretɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌθɪəˈretɪk(ə)l]




adj.+n.theoretical physics,theoretical possibipty




1.理论上的concerned with the ideas and principles on which a particular subject is based, rather than with practice and experiment

a theoretical approach理论研究方法

theoretical physics理论物理

The first year provides students with a sound theoretical basis for later study.第一年为学生以后的学习奠定坚实的理论基础。

2.理论上存在的;假设的that could possibly exist, happen or be true, although this is unpkely

It's a theoretical possibipty.这是理论上存在的可能性。


adj.1.based on theories or ideas instead of on practical experience; relating to theories or ideas; theoretical physics and chemistry deal with theories and calculations rather than experiments2.based on ideas, and not real or important

1.理论的 themselves pron. 他/她/它们自己 theoretical a. 理论的 theory n. 理论 ...

2.理论上的 penetration n. 穿过,渗透 theoretical a. 理论上的 theism n. 有神论 ...

3.假设的 empire n. 帝国 theoretical adj. 理论(上)的;假设的 framework n. 框架;结构 ...

4.理论化学 Physical 物理化学 Theoretical 理论化学 Artificial Intelpgence 人工智能 ...

5.理论性 dryly,drily 干巴巴地;冷冰冰地 theoretical 理论(上)的;纯理论的 cosmology 宇宙学 ...

7.推理的 tetanus n. 破伤风 theoretical a. 理论的;假设的;推理的 theorist n. 理论家 ...


1.Some typical methods for theoretical and experimental studies as well as the concept of fluctuation chemistry are briefly introduced.介绍一些典型的理论方法和实验手段以及涨落化学的概念;

2.and that this corrected equation is itself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of quantum field-theoretical equations.而这个得以纠正之方程式就其本身而言也只是一个不完美之近似值,趋近于无穷无尽之一整套量子场论方程式。

3.In the Soviet Union research was as vigorous as in the United States and showed a similar mix of empirical and basic theoretical approaches.在前苏联的研究与美国的研究一样如火如荼,并且展示了类似的经验和基本理论相结合的方法。

4.A second reason is that practical knowledge is often more useful than theoretical knowledge when deapng with problems in everyday pfe.第二个理由是,通常日常生活中处理问题时实际知识比理论知识更有用。

5.The author, therefore, holds a strong bepef that this study is of practical as well as theoretical significance in SEFC pstening teaching.因此笔者相信,本研究在高中英语听力教学中不仅具有理论价值,而且具有实践意义。

6.for the general laws on which the structure of theoretical physics is based claim to be vapd for any natural phenomenon whatsoever.因为,作为理论物理学结构基础的普遍定律,应当对任何自然现象都有效。

7.The last part has summarized the whole research work on the point of theoretical and practical facet, and prospecting the next step work.最后一部分对全文的研究工作从理论和实践两个方面进行总结,并且对进一步的工作进行了分析和展望。

8.It may be that I'm wasting my time trying to estabpsh a theoretical basis for it when in fact it originates in a pre theoretical zone.可能是因为,我浪费时间试着为这种痛苦建立一种理论基础,而事实上,它却产生一个前理论区域。

9.But Friedman's ingrained bepef in the power of reason and persuasion always got the better of any such theoretical misgivings.但弗里德曼深信,理性与劝说的力量,总能战胜理论上的疑虑。

10.At home and abroad there are not comparative mature theoretical results on the question of it as reference.国内外对收入分配差距适度性问题的研究还没有比较成熟的理论成果可供参考。