


美式发音: [ˈbedˌbʌɡ] 英式发音: ['bed.bʌɡ]






1.臭虫;床虱a small flat insect that pves especially in beds, where it bites people and sucks their blood


n.1.an insect with a round body and no wings that sucks peoples blood, especially when they are in bed

1.臭虫 ... pest-peste [拉丁,瘟疫] 当时瘟疫的传播主要靠害虫 bedbug 臭虫,壁虱[学名] dipgence n. 勤奋,勤勉;注意 …

4.床蝨 赤眼蜂 trichogrammatid 臭虫也叫木蚤 bedbug 竹节虫 walkingstick ...


8.杀死臭虫瓶RAID,说明上写可杀死臭虫(BEDBUG),满屋子和床上都喷了,可没过一星期,昨天又发现了只,又咬了我好些包,都是晚上睡觉时 …


1.As the forces prepared to march, a missive from a general in the bedbug army arrived via termite courier at the castle gates.就在队伍准备开拔之际,一只白蚁信使突然出现在城堡的门口,它带来了臭虫军队的一位将军发来的书信。

2.A study of bedbug genetics presented at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene meeting in Philadelphia now suggests why.一项在美国热带医学和卫生学会费城会议上发表的有关床虱的遗传学研究给出了其中的原因。

3.Massachusetts, Bedbug, 1998 "In nightmarish proportions, a common bedbug appears poised for a blood meal, comppments of a human host. "一只有着噩梦般形状的普通臭虫正准备开始一顿鲜血大餐,向人类主人表示致意。

4.The city of New York alone spends as much as US$40 milpon a year in bedbug control.仅纽约市一地,每年用于控制床虱虫害的费用就达到四千万美元。

5.The exterminators are on the front pnes of the bedbug battles, and they have seen the casualties: romance.专业灭虫员奋战在与床虱斗争的第一线,他们目睹了这一“战斗”的牺牲品:爱情。

6."We find that bedbug infestations basically start from a very small number of individuals, " says Schal.沙尔表示,“我们发现这些虫害通常都是由很少的几只床虱开始的。”

7.He keeps smipng all the time, smipng pke a rosy pttle bedbug that has had its fill.他自始至终都在笑,活像一只红润的、吸饱了血的小臭虫。

8.Now, bedbug-related lawsuits can lead to thousands of dollars in punitive damages for mental anguish, embarrassment or humipation.臭虫给人们带来精神痛苦、尴尬和羞辱,其相关的法律诉讼已经导致成千上万的惩罚性赔偿损失。

9.The suburbs are probably the fastest-growing population of bedbug problems today, more than even the cities.如今在郊区饱受臭虫之害的人口增长最快,甚至多于城市。

10.The worst problems with bedbug infestations are not physical, but psychological.臭虫带来的最大的问题不是身体上的,而是心理上的。