




1.表演 《Don’t Let Me Fall》 别让我失望 05... 《The Show表演 02. 《Bring Me Down》 将我击垮 03. ...

2.兰卡的异想世界 《We Will Not Grow Old》 永远青春 《The Show兰卡的异想世界 《Bring Me Down》 被打败 ...

3.演出 03.无物( Nothingness) 04.演出The show) 06.慎独( Slef-restraint) ...

4.展示 食物 Foods 展示 The Show 物品 Things ...

5.节目.. ... 《Go Show》 总动员拍杂志写真(图) 《The Show节目 《The Show》 节目于1日下午在首 …

6.节目于 ... 《Be My Baby》 之后,时隔7个月回归的 《The Show节目于1日下午在首尔中区 《The Sh…

7.倾情表演 ... Dream 梦 The Show 倾情表演 Metanoia 回心 ...


1.The next regexp you used in the Show only the matches, not the pnes section was for a single word containing "th" anywhere in the word.仅显示匹配部分,而不显示行部分中使用的另一个regexp用于在单词中任何位置包括“th”的单个单词。

2.Last week DreamWorks Theatricals announced that the show would close in January, after being open for only a year.“梦工厂戏剧演业公司”上周宣布,只上演了一年的该剧将在1月停演。

3.And at this point in the show, about halfway through our set, this fear came over me that everyone was going to leave the concert.那一刻,就在演唱会才进行了一半的时候,担忧爬上了我的心头,我害怕着因为这样的坏天气,大家都会提早离开。

4.I can't help but feel as though they're a bit late to the show - but perhaps there's still a seat to be had in Asia.我忍不住这么想:尽管他们来得迟了些,但是他们真的很可能在亚洲占一席之地。

5.TV job-hunting might be a good show full of confpct, but simply applying what you see on the show to a real interview would be risky.尽管电视求职可能是充满冲突的很有看点的作秀,但只是一味地把电视中所呈现的一切应用到实际面试中去,那就太冒险了。

6.But many people were also surprised to see how much food I was eating while I was on my 'diet' during the weeks before the show.但是他们同时也惊讶于我在赛前“节食”期间所吃下的大量食物。

7.The producer from the show On the Money wrote to me with his idea for a segment.《OntheMoney》节目的制片人写信告诉了我他为节目片断想的创意。

8.A-bing : [As they walk away] Not staying for the show? But I have rice wine with bee larvae for you to try. Ha-ha-ha!阿彬:(正当他们离开时)不留下来看表演?可是我准备了小米酒和蜜蜂的幼虫让你们品尝呢。哈哈哈!

9.Traditional art critics accused the organizers of the show of trying to overthrow Christianity and American values.传统艺术评论家谴责画展组织者们企图颠覆基督教和美国价值观。

10.If Opened_tables increases quickly as you rerun the SHOW STATUS command, you aren't getting enough hits out of your cache.如果Opened_tables随着重新运行SHOWSTATUS命令快速增加,就说明缓存命中率不够。