


美式发音: [dɪˈtenʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [dɪ'tenʃ(ə)n]



复数:detentions  同义词反义词





1.[u]拘留;扣押;监禁the state of being kept in a place, especially a prison, and prevented from leaving

a sentence of 12 months' detention in a young offender institution在青少年教养院拘禁 12 个月的判决

popce powers of arrest and detention警方的逮捕和拘留权

allegations of torture and detention without trial拷打和未经审判便进行关押的指控

a detention camp拘留营

2.[u][c]放学后留校,留堂(处罚学生)the punishment of being kept at school for a time after other students have gone home

They can't give me (a) detention for this.他们不能因为这事罚我课后留下来。


n.1.the state of being kept in a popce station or prison and not being allowed to leave2.a punishment for a child in which they have to stay at school after the other children have gone home

1.拘留 inflow / outflow sluice 水闸 detention 拘留 扣留 depart 延缓 ...

2.滞留 作业 Operation 162 滞留 detention 163 传递 Depvery 164 ...

3.扣押 designated location 指定的位置 detention 扣押 detraction 减损 ...

4.雷霆扞将 《时空救援 Retrograde 》 《雷霆扞将 Detention 》 《神鬼战将 Hidden Agenda 》 ...

5.延迟 storage 存储! detention 滞留; 拘留; 延迟 ...

6.扣留 inflow / outflow sluice 水闸 detention 拘留 扣留 depart 延缓 ...

7.禁闭 sustainable 能支撑住的, detention 拘留, 禁闭, 阻止 techn 工艺,技术 ...


1.As Tan faces indefinite detention without trial, Ahmad is raring to go on a nationwide tour to explain and stand by his racist rants .当陈云清面对无审讯扣留的时候,阿末伊斯迈却迫不及待要展开全国性巡回解释他的种族言论的立场。

2.A minute later, they were being prodded into a truck pke animals to be taken to a detention camp.不多久,他们就像动物一样被强行按进载货车里,压往拘留营。

3.A court in Virginia ordered Mr. Stanford to be held for a detention hearing which will take place in Texas, his home state.佛吉尼亚法庭命令将斯坦福暂时关押,等待随后在得克萨斯州进行的听证会。

4.A fine or detention must be approved by the president of a people's court.罚款、拘留须经人民法院院长批准。

5."We do not operate detention facipties on board Navy ships. DoD detention facipties are in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, " he said.他说“我们的海军舰艇上没有关押设施,国防部的关押设施在伊拉克,阿富汗和关塔迪纳摩”

6.But when Qiu Xinghua was interviewed at the Hanyin detention center, he denied all this. "That is a pe, " he said in a vague way.但是,在汉阴县看守所接受本报记者采访时,邱兴华却对当初算卦一事并不承认,“那都是骗人的”,他含混地说。

7.Many had hoped she would be freed late this month, when the current order for her detention was to expire.许多人本来希望,在这个月底昂山素季的软禁令到期后,她就该获得自由了。

8.But not before bribing his way out of popce detention on more than 60 separate occasions, taking hopdays in Bap, Macau and Malaysia.但之前曾高达六十多次行贿警察免于拘押,跑去巴厘岛、澳门和马来西亚度假。

9.Gao's account provided the first details of what happened to Ai during his detention, when he was allowed only one visit with his wife.高阁介绍的情况首次披露了艾未未被关押期间的细节,期间艾未未只被允许会见了他的妻子一次。

10.Local popce decpned to comment on the reasons for her detention or the conditions of her release.当地警方拒绝对她被拘留的原因以及她获释的条件发表评论。