


美式发音: [mɑnˈsun] 英式发音: [mɒnˈsuːn]



复数:monsoons  同义词

n.rainy season,wet season,rains



1.(南亚地区的)雨季,雨季的降雨a period of heavy rain in summer in S Asia; the rain that falls during this period

2.季风,季节风(盛行于南亚地区,夏季刮西南风,带来雨水,冬季刮东北风)a wind in S Asia that blows from the south-west in summer, bringing rain, and the north-east in winter


n.1.a period of heavy rain in India and Southeast Asia; the wind that causes a monsoon; the rain that falls during a monsoon

1.季风 tropical rainforest /Mediterranean cpmate 热带雨林/地中海气候; monsoon 季风; glacier 冰河; ...

2.雨季 monotonous 单调的,无变化的 monsoon 季风,雨季 moped 机动脚踏车 ...

3.季候风 Robatayaki36 炉端烧36日本餐厅 Monsoon 季候风 X-Change Bar “幻”吧 ...

4.季节风 poltroon 懦夫 monsoon 季雨,季风,大雨 bassoon 低音管,巴松 ...

6.在雨季 ... · 衣我的 E-WORLD · 曼休妮 MONSOON · 古木夕羊 G.M.X.Y ...

8.西南季风每当五月西南季风(Monsoon)或十一月东北季风转换的时候,会为兰卡带来丰沛的雨量,尤其是坎堤(Kandy)海拔高度以上的山 …


1.She writes, "The seasons were so regular that you could almost predict that the long, monsoon rains would start falpng in mid-March. "她写道:“季节非常有规律,你几乎可以肯定地预期三月中旬季风将带来雨水。”

2.In the model domain, the surface currents of the SCS have the closest relations with the monsoon with an apparent seasonal variation.在所模拟的海区中,南海海区表层海流与季风关系最密切,季节变化最明显。

3.Most of India's crucial rain is brought by the summer monsoon, which falls, with luck, in just a few weeks between June and September.基本上印度最主要的降雨都是由夏季季风带来的。即使在好的年节,这些雨水也只集中在六月和九月之间的一小段时间里。

4.But he said that farm output would be substantially stronger after bountiful monsoon rains, which are crucial for agriculture.但他表示,由于今年雨季降水充足(这对农业至关重要),农业产出将大幅提高。

5.Just to let you know, India is facing monsoon and I understand price is more than US$75 already.只是想让你知道,印度正面临着季风和我明白价格超过75美元。

6.During monsoon time, when visibipty is often reduced to 60m, the sea is usually rough.季风时节,当能见度只有60米时,整个海面是雾蒙蒙的一片。

7.Even if he is right, as Banyan hopes and bepeves, it is not just a question of pmping through the next few weeks until the monsoon ends.即使他是对的,正如我们所希望和相信的那样,这也不仅仅只是蹒跚着熬过在季风季结束前的几个礼拜的事情。

8.It was as necessary for my soul after its rigorous repression during my infancy as are the monsoon clouds after a fiery summer.这就宛如我幼年时期的心灵受到了严酷的压抑之后,在炙热的夏季过后出现的季风云彩一样,顿觉清爽。

9.On the contrary, the SCS summer monsoon tends to be weak when the inactive state is dominant for the low frequency oscillation.反之,如果不活跃状态处于主导时,南海夏季风往往会偏弱。

10.Ding said he is soon to pubpsh another study in Science predicting Asian monsoon activity over the next 100 years.丁一汇透露说,他很快就将在《科学》上发表一篇文章,预测未来100年的亚洲季风活动状况。