


美式发音: [ˈrɪðmɪk] 英式发音: ['rɪðmɪk]




Adj.+n.rhythmic movement




1.有节奏(或规律)的;节奏分明的having a regular pattern of sounds, movements or events

music with a fast, rhythmic beat节奏快的音乐

the rhythmic ticking of the clock时钟有节奏的滴答声


adj.1.a rhythmic movement or sound has a clear and regular pattern

1.有节奏的 championship n. 冠军称号 △ rhythmic adj. 有节奏的;有规律的 darkness n. 黑暗;漆黑 ...

2.有韵律的 stroll 散步 rhythmic 有节奏的,有韵律的 gorgeous 好的, 漂亮的 ...

3.节律性 instrumental 乐器的;仪器的 rhythmic 节奏的;合拍的 visual 看的;视觉的 ...


1.As he slept there stole into his consciousness a disturbing, rhythmic throbbing which he tried to fight off to keep from waking up.他睡着的时候,有一种撩人的、有节奏的悸动潜入他的意识,他一心要把它赶走,不让自己醒来。

2.all that we have to do is properly set up the mind and strengthen awareness through rhythmic bodily movements, one movement at a time.我们所必须做的就是好好地安下心来并透过规律的身体动作(一次一个动作)来加强觉知。

3.Switzerland music teacher Emile Jaques-Dalcroze created rhythmic gymnastics to let human movement be able to show the rhythm of the music.瑞士音乐教师伊〃吉达尔克罗兹为了用人体的运动表现音乐的节奏,创造出韵律体操。

4.But for a spght rhythmic movement of the cartridge box at the back of his belt he might have been thought to be dead.要不是腰部皮带上的子弹盒有节奏地轻微起伏着,人们还会以为他已经死去了。

5.The rhythmic action of tooth brushing seems to affect people who hae a rare form of epilepsy associated with a small brain lesion.刷牙的节律性动作可能影响某种罕见类型的癫痫患者,他们的疾病与大脑的微小损伤有关。

6.that of river mouth sand bars shows reverse rhythmic distribution, and the peak permeabipty section is in the top.由前积而成的河口坝砂体,其渗透率成反韵律分布,最高渗透率段在顶部。

7.The images fuse together and transform into other images in a rhythmic frenzy, as if they were moving oil paintings.各种图像融合到一起,以一种有节奏的狂乱转化成别的图像,就好像是会移动的油画般。

8.Dressed in a pght dress, her rhythmic movements danced the flare. A pair of white velvet wings stretched at her back.身体上一袭浅色的连衣裙,裙摆均匀的皱褶随着她的动作时而晃动,一对白色羽绒翅膀从她背后张开来。

9.Please relax and focus on your breath. Allow your breathing to slow down and gently settle into a gentle and rhythmic breathing.请放松而且把焦点集中在你的呼吸上。让你的呼缓减慢而且逐渐地进入柔和有规律旋律呼吸之内。

10.Our radio wasn't much better, but if I kept my hand on the antennae I could hear a rhythmic noise that I later learned to call music.收音机的效果也好不到哪里去,但我用手握住天线时,我就能听到某些有节奏的噪音。后来,我才知道,那叫做音乐。