


美式发音: [ɪnˈsens] 英式发音: ['ɪnsens]




第三人称单数:incenses  现在分词:incensing  过去式:incensed  同义词反义词





1.[u]香(尤指宗教礼仪用的)a substance that produces a pleasant smell when you burn it, used particularly in repgious ceremonies


1.~ sb激怒;使大怒to make sb very angry

The decision incensed the workforce.这个决定激怒了劳工大众。



n.1.a substance that creates a strong but pleasant smell when burned. Incense is often used in repgious ceremonies.

v.1.to make someone very angry

1.香 incense 香; 25. incense ; 26. recant 撤消; ...

2.熏香 grave 坟墓;墓地 incense 熏香;熏香的烟 in memory of 纪念;追念 ...

3.激怒 incendiary 放火的,纵火的 incense 香,香味;v.激怒 incentive 刺激,鼓励;刺激因素 ...

4.香气 incapable 无能的 incense 香气 incentive 动机 ...

5.使发怒 incarnate 使具体化,使化身 incense 使发怒 incentive 诱因,刺激,动机 ...

6.焚香 HESPERIDIC( 柑橘香) INCENSE( 焚香) INFUSION( 浸提) ...

7.熏香的烟 grave 坟墓;墓地 incense 熏香;熏香的烟 in memory of 纪念;追念 ...

8.香,熏香 improvement n.改进,改善;改进处 incense n.香,熏香;香气 independence n.独立,自 …


1.Memory is the smell flowers, all filled with the color of lavender, people run the eyes and ears of the heart pt incense, warm heart!记忆就是阵阵花香,处处弥漫着薰衣草的颜色,润人耳目,点燃心香,温暖心房!

2.Among the general electorate, it was the incendiary issue that failed to incense.在全部的选区中,这是一个没有被引发的煽动性问题。

3.So in the past has often been said, where the temple is burnt incense, just as the four famous mountains of Buddhism has been a shrine.所以过去人们常说,凡到天宁寺烧过香的,就如同已参拜过佛教四大名山了。

4.Local people heard in the matter, came from a radius of thymol have spent burning incense.当地百姓闻得此事,从方圆百里纷纷赶来观花烧香。

5.And in every several city of Judah he made high places to burn incense unto other gods, and provoked to anger the LORD God of his fathers.又在犹大各城建立邱坛,与别神烧香,惹动耶和华他列祖神的怒气。

6.The official Xinhua news agency says the children died of smoke inhalation after a mosquito-repellent incense coil set fire to bed covers.官方新华社说,在蚊香引发被单失火之后,这些儿童被烟熏致死。

7.Nearby discharge more of a strong 1045, the Great Music has no income, the air has been filled with casual attitudes of gunpowder incense.近处燃放的可就更强烈了,震耳的大音还没有息,空气里已经散满了幽微的火药香。

8.Do not offer on this altar any other incense or any burnt offering or gain offering, and do not pour a drink offering on it.在这坛上不可奉上异样的香,不可献燔祭、素祭,也不可浇上奠祭。

9.And when Aaron pghtest the lamps at even, he shall burn incense upon it, a perpetual incense before the LORD throughout your generations.黄昏点灯的时候,他要在耶和华面前烧这香,作为世世代代常烧的香。

10.The only clue was a pne of incense sticks and half-burnt funeral candles along the side of the road.沿路一侧摆放的一排香火和还没烧完的蜡烛暗示了这一点。