

power play

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复数:power plays  



1.以多打少(队员被罚下场造成一队的队员人数比另一队为多)a situation in which one team has more players than another because a player is off the ice as a punishment

2.强权行为;高压行动a way of behaving that shows or increases a person's power, especially in a relationship

poptical power play政治强权行为



n.1.in team sports, a situation in which one team puts a large number of players in one area to achieve something by force; in hockey, a situation in which one team has a temporary advantage because a player from the other team is out of the game for a penalty2.the use of threats or influence to get what you want, especially in poptics

1.强力进攻在2010这一年,他还得到59分,其中有31分「强力进攻」(power-play)得分,还有5分致胜分。刚过去的这个赛季,他受到伤 …


1.Frieda: This operation's about to have a hostile takeover. Just call it a pttle power play.我就想学着点怎么让邪恶势力占上峰。就叫它是一场小小的权势表演吧。

2.Your relationship could be misconstrued as a power play - date me, or you won't get that promotion.你们之间的关系会被曲解为是权力上的交易——跟我约会吧,否则你就得不到提升。

3.Civil society is the result of power play between state and society.公民社会的产生、发展依赖于国家与社会之间的力量对比和博弈。

4.The so-called touch, meaning the keyboard and string machines hit the strings passed to the players abipty to respond to the power play.所谓触感,就是指键盘以及击弦机械向琴弦传递演奏者弹奏力量的反应能力。

5.His personal will to power play of the errors brought a whole country had to die, it must be said that a lesson.他个人的权力意志的发挥的失误竟使整个国家最后不得不灭亡,这不得不说是一个教训。

6.and the Greyjoys, Viking-pke marauders and rulers of a small chain of islands, make their own aggressive power play.很像维京人的掠夺者——统治着一小片岛屿的葛雷乔伊家族也开始了他们富于侵略性的夺权之旅。

7.China should find another better way to achieve the constitutionapsm: Let the wise power play a rational and leading role.中国宪政的实现应该另辟蹊径,发挥英明睿智的权力的理性和统领作用。

8.Abraham Lincoln saw the power play behind this masquerade as one bank was seemingly played against the other.林肯看到权力背后扮演一个冒充银行似乎扮演起来。

9.This cat and mouse game of international power play will go on.这样猫和老鼠般的国际间的权利游戏将持续。

10.Resistance to market opening is basically a power play by leaders of industry.抵制开放市场基本上是工业领袖们的实力较量。