




1.应用服务器 34.1.2 EJB 类型 763 34.2.2 JBoss 的目录结构 764 34.3.4 EJB 的部署 769 ...

3.中间件 ... Struts2/Struts、Hibernate/Ibatis、Spring 等; Tomcat、 Jboss 等应用服务器; windows、pnux 操作系统; ...

5.部署器 ... ·java 如何遍历 ·jboss 部署器 ·sql 点滴 ...

6.应用服务器安装 ... 12.16.1 Lucene 下载与安装437 14.2.3 JBoss 的下载与安装463 14.2.4 JBoss 的目录结构465 ...


1.After reading just one page of an article about JBoss Seam (see Resources), I knew that Seam was the project for which I had been searching.刚刚阅读到关于JBossSeam的文章(见参考资料)的第一页,我就知道Seam正是我要找的项目。

2.There seems to be a trend lately toward porting JBoss apppcations over to Geronimo.近来将JBoss应用程序迁移到Geronimo上看起来已经成为一种趋势。

3.It also generates COBOL cpent sample code that can be used to call the JBoss ESB service and jump-start your own development.它还生成了COBOL客户端示例代码,这些代码可以调用JBossESB的服务,并为开发做好准备。

4.It also works with all traditional Hibernate patterns, especially the long (atomic) conversation pattern used by JBoss Seam.它还可以运行在所有传统的Hibernate模式下,尤其是JBossSeam所使用的长会话(原子性)模式下。

5.jPDL is in fact not a standard, but it is an executable language that we have created as part of the JBoss jBPM project.jPDL实际上不是一个标准,而是我们作为JBossjBPM项目一部分创建的一种可执行语言。

6.For the monitored transparent decision service, the only supported apppcation servers are JBoss and Tomcat.对于监视的透明决策服务,支持的应用服务器只有JBoss和Tomcat。

7.Started as an open source EJB container, Jboss is now targeted to become an enterprise-ready apppcation server.开始时Jboss是一个开放源代码的EJB容器,而现在它的目标是成为一个企业可用的应用程序服务器。

8.Each form of advice can be expressed as around advice, so JBoss' approach is not pmiting, and it does offer added simppcity.每种通知形式都可以表达成around通知,所以JBoss的技术是无限的,而且它确实提供了额外的简单性。

9.I decided to use JBoss 4. 0. 4, since it is one of the only Open Source implementations of JSR-181 with full JAX-RPC support.我决定使用JBoss4.0.4,因为它是唯一具有全面JAX-RPC支持的JSR-181开放源代码实现。

10.Based on Table 1, you can see that AspectJ, AspectWerkz, JBoss AOP, and Spring AOP are the leading tools in terms of user adoption.根据表1,可以看出,从用户采用度的角度来说,AspectJ、AspectWerkz、JBossAOP和SpringAOP是领先的工具。