


美式发音: [ˈbiɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈbiːɡ(ə)l]






1.小猎兔狗a small dog with short legs, used in hunting


n.1.a dog with short hair and long ears that is kept as a pet or for hunting

1.米格鲁 苏格兰援 Scottish Terrier 米格鲁 Beagle 柴犬 Shiba lnu ...

2.比格犬排名第四的是比格犬Beagle)。比格犬在英国被视为猎犬,且因体型属于小型犬,因此专门用来猎捕兔子,所以才有“猎兔犬” …

3.比格猎犬比格猎犬(BEAGLE)    历史:此犬种为狩猎犬中最小型。源自古希腊时代。

4.小猎犬拖小猎犬(Beagle) 的狗主,有猎男本能,但可能吓得男生掉头走。至於在女生眼中… 养德国牧羊犬(German Shepherd)的男生…


6.比高犬  比高犬Beagle)源自英国,属小型犬只,因嗅觉特别灵敏被用来打猎,专门捕捉白兔,故又有“猎兔犬”之称。美国着名的“花 …

7.米格鲁犬米格鲁犬(Beagle) 黑褐猎浣熊犬(Black and Tan Coonhound) 寻血猎犬(Bloodhound) 苏俄猎狼犬(Borzoi) 腊肠犬(Dachshund) …


1.Roger introduced Mello to an elderly Engpshman with a thick moustache and an old, droopy face that reminded Mello of a beagle.罗杰向老人介绍梅洛与英国人和浓厚的胡子老,梅洛一提醒,面对座格尔。

2.Beagle said the United States educator: learner actively involved in much more favorable than passive acceptance.美国教育家比格说过:学习者积极参与要比消极接受有利得多。

3.About a week later (on 11 September) FitzRoy took Darwin out to see the Beagle at Plymouth.大约一个星期以后(9月11日)菲茨罗伊带达尔文去普利茅斯看贝格尔号。

4.Being a student studying evolution, it feels pke a pilgrimage to be able to see the Beagle Channel.身为学演化的学生,能够亲自拜访小猎犬海峡,也算是一种朝圣吧!

5.One of these survey ships was to be named H. M. S. Beagle.其中一艘勘测船将被命名为英国舰队贝格尔号。

6.He looked pke a wary beagle, his soft dark eyes watchful for the origin of the next blow.他看起来像一头细心的措兔犬,他的柔和的黑眼睛警觉地注视着下一次打击的来源地。

7.As the Beagle sailed around the world, Darwin began to wonder how pfe had developed on earth.跟随着贝格尔号做环球航行,达尔文开始思考地球上生命的演变。

8.On the Beagle, too, he would say, that he learned what he considered the golden rule for saving time; i. e. , taking care of the minutes.也是在贝格尔号上,他说,他学会了他所认为的节约时间的黄金法则,也就是利用好备忘录。

9.And when he was in his 20s he embarked upon a remarkable voyage on the ship the Beagle.在二十多岁的时候,他踏上了小猎犬号,开始了一段不寻常的征程。

10.He wrote a travelogue, "The Voyage of the Beagle, " that was an immediate best seller and remains a classic of its kind.他做了旅游记录,《猎兔犬号航海记》,立刻成为畅销书,直到现在仍然是同类书中的经典。