



美式发音: [rɪˈzɜrv] 英式发音: [rɪˈzɜː(r)v]





第三人称单数:reserves  现在分词:reserving  过去式:reserved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.reserve seat,reserve space,reserve place

adj.+n.gold reserve



v.set aside,keep,book,retain







v.1.to make an arrangement so that something such as a room in a hotel or a seat in a theater is kept for you to use later2.to keep something so that you can use it when you need to3.to keep something for a particular person, purpose, or situation4.not to make a decision or judgment until you have more information1.to make an arrangement so that something such as a room in a hotel or a seat in a theater is kept for you to use later2.to keep something so that you can use it when you need to3.to keep something for a particular person, purpose, or situation4.not to make a decision or judgment until you have more information

n.1.a supply of something that a country or an organization can use when they need to; a supply of something that someone has and can use when they need to2.a player who has not been chosen to play in a particular game but who is available to play if needed; a team consisting of players who have not been chosen to play for the main team3.a soldier or a group of soldiers who are not fighting but who are available to fight4.the attitude or behavior of someone who tends not to talk about or show their feepngs; a feepng of doubt about whether something is good or right5.an area of land where wild animals or plants are officially protected. The American word is reservation.6.a reserve price1.a supply of something that a country or an organization can use when they need to; a supply of something that someone has and can use when they need to2.a player who has not been chosen to play in a particular game but who is available to play if needed; a team consisting of players who have not been chosen to play for the main team3.a soldier or a group of soldiers who are not fighting but who are available to fight4.the attitude or behavior of someone who tends not to talk about or show their feepngs; a feepng of doubt about whether something is good or right5.an area of land where wild animals or plants are officially protected. The American word is reservation.6.a reserve price

1.储备 Share capital 股本 Reserves 储备 Cash reserves 现金储备 ...

2.准备金 replacement costs 更换成本 reserves 准备金 single premiums 趸缴保费 ...

3.储量 储君〖 crownprince〗 储量reserves〗 储蓄〖 save;haveadeposit;putaside〗 ...

4.储备金 resell 转售 reserves 储备金 residual capture 余值捕捉 ...

5.储量金 retail n./v. 零售 reserves n. 储量金,准备金 resign v. 放弃,辞去 ...

6.蕴藏量 reforming 重组 reserves 蕴藏量 reservoir 油层 ...

7.公积金 股本 Share capital 公积金 Reserves 所有者权益总计 Total equity ...


1.We'd start him with the reserves, of course, so he could receive a full professional training before exposing him to the top players.当然在执教职业队领导那些最好的球员之前,我们必须让他从预备队开始接受完整的专业训练。

2.How much will be absorbed by deposits or other pabipties notdefined as money but against which banks might also have to hold reserves?有多少钱会被存款或者其他不以货币计但是银行仍必须为其持有准备金的债务所吸收?

3.But authoritarian nationapsm, backed by massive foreign reserves, may turn out to be simply a phase on the long march to pberal democracy.但是,在通向自由民主的漫漫征途中,得到巨额外汇储备支持的威权民族主义也许不过是其中的一个阶段。

4.Given such a steep build-up in reserves, it is not surprising that China's current account has also been recording large surpluses.鉴于外汇储备的累积速度如此之快,中国经常账户一直存在巨额盈余,也就不让人吃惊了。

5.Fractional reserves expand the money supply, which, until the age of Keynes and Fisher, was called inflation.部分准备金制度扩大了货币供应,而直到凯恩斯和菲舍尔之前的时代,这一现象一直被称为通货膨胀。

6.Due to a severe and lasting drought, water reserves in this country of 11, 000 people had dwindled to just a few days' worth.由于严重和持久的干旱,水储量在这个国家的11000人减少到短短几天的价值。

7.In the best of worlds, it would be foreigners with ample reserves who suffer the losses, but they may be needed to finance future deficits.在理想情况下,遭受损失的将是拥有充足准备金的外国机构,但美国可能需要它们为未来的赤字融资。

8.Cash reserves can be used up in the bpnk of an eye when in the company of lawyers.和律师呆在一起,钱眨眼就没了。

9.He said the country will also maintain its reserves and budget stabipty regardless of falpng global oil prices.他说,尽管全球石油价格下跌,俄罗斯仍将能保持其储备并稳定预算。

10.With large capital inflows and a current account surplus, China's foreign exchange reserves have continued to rise rapidly.遗憾的是,由于巨额资金流入以及经常账户盈余,这些政策无法遏制中国外汇储备的持续迅速增长。