


美式发音: [ˈpredɪˌkeɪtɪv] 英式发音: [prɪˈdɪkətɪv]






1.作表语的,谓语性的(例如 asleep,用于 be、become、get、seem、look 等动词后;与 attributive 相对)coming after a verb such asbe, become, get, seem, look . Many adjectives, for exampleold can be either predicative as inThe man is very old , or attributive as inan old man . Some, pkeasleep , can only be predicative .



adj.1.predicative adjectives and phrases follow a verb, for exampletiredin the sentenceWe were tired.”

1.表语 ... Lecture 3 0bject( 宾语部分) Lecture 4 Predicative表语部分) Lecture 5 Attributive( 定语部 …


4.用作表语 attrib=attributive 用作定语 pred=predicative 用作表语 pref=prefix 前缀 ...

5.表语的 object 宾语 predicative 表语的(形容词) complement 补语 ...

6.论断性的 predication 断定 predicative 论断性的;表语 predict 预示 ...

7.用分词作表语 ... 9.3 完成式的被动语态( having been + v-ed) 四、用分词作表语Predicative) 十、作定语( Attribute…

8.谓语ect)、谓语(predicate)、表语、 )、谓语( 语 ( predicative) )、 ) 谓 语 ( predicate) 、 ) )、宾语 )、定语 (p…


1.Multi-VP sentences refer to sentences with two or more predicative constituents in the predication position.多项VP句是指句子的谓语部分含有两个或两个以上谓词性成分的句子。

2.can only be described as predicative adjectives, it is also known as predicative adjectives.叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。

3.Principals' transformational leadership and transactional leadership had predicative efficacy for the teachers' job satisfaction.国民小学校长「转型领导」、「交易领导」行为对整体「教师工作满意」有联合预测力。

4.Subject, predicate, object, objective complement, attribute, adverbial modifier, predicative, appositive.主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语,表语,同位语

5.It is suggested that the further research for human error and its predicative methods be continued, and that our own data bank be set up.本研究方法将来可应用在石化工厂制程单元的相关作业之上,藉以瞭解工厂之人为失误,并建立国人的人可靠度资料库。

6.Generapzed predicative control (GPC) is a new computer control method, after it presented, it was got favor by industry and control area.广义预测控制算法是一种新型的计算机控制方法,自从其出现后,受到了工业界和控制界的青睐。

7.To guide the maintenance engineer to finish the equipment and tools predicative maintenance, in charge of the assets management .指导维修工程师进行设备及工具等的预防性维护及保养、负责公司固定资产的实物管理。

8.But predicative dispatch is a very elegant extension of multiple dispatch on (narrow) types alone.但是断言分派是对(狭窄)类型本身进行多分派的一个很好的扩展。

9.Verb is always the predicative in the sentence.动词,在句子中经常充当谓语。

10.To evaluate the predicative function of negative fluid balance in the prognosis of severe acute pancreatitis(SAP).目的评价液体负平衡对重症胰腺炎预后的预测作用。