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1.范伦汀娜 Una 优娜 Valentina 范伦汀娜 Valerie 瓦勒莉 ...

2.瓦伦蒂娜 ... Truda, 杜达,条顿,受喜爱的女孩。 Valentina范伦汀娜,拉丁,健康者,强壮者。 Vera, 维拉,俄国, …


6.瓦伦提娜本事嫁个身价新台币上兆元的富豪老公,还为他生下女儿瓦伦提娜Valentina);糟的是,莎玛自己失足滑倒也就算了,更 …

7.瓦伦丁娜 ... Vsevolod 弗塞沃洛德 Valentina 瓦伦丁娜 Valeria 瓦列里娅 ...

8.瓦伦蒂纳孩子:大女儿瓦伦蒂纳Valentina) 儿子马蒂亚(Mattia) 小儿子莱昂纳多(Leonardo) 双亲:父:弗罗林多(Fiorindo)母…


1."It was a mammoth tusk, " Ivanovich said. "It wasn't very big, " his wife, Valentina, pointed out. "There are lots of them, " she added.伊万诺维奇说,“是根猛犸象(又名长毛象)象牙。”他妻子瓦莲京娜补充,“这根不太大,但那儿有很多象牙。”

2.Less than two seasons later Zambrotta is desperate to return to Italy as his wife Valentina is homesick.从那时开始不到两个赛季后,赞布罗塔就开始渴望返回意大利,因为他的妻子瓦伦蒂娜得了思乡病。

3.The last hit was decisive , and Valentina Vezzap made it by pretending to move backwards before making an astonishing attack .最后的打击是决定性的,和瓦伦蒂娜·让它假装向后移动之前,一个惊人的攻击。

4.Valentina's strength was beginning to wane and she started reacting to attacks with more difficulty and more slowil.瓦伦蒂娜的力量开始衰落,她开始反应攻击更困难和更slowil。

5.Savitskaya became a cosmonaut in 1980 and was the second woman to go into space, preceded only by fellow cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova.萨维茨卡娅于1980年成为一名宇航员,而且是第二名进入太空的妇女,领先的只有同伴宇航员捷列什科娃(ValentinaTereshkova)。

6.7Mr. Gagarin with his wife, Valentina, and daughter Yelena in 1960.加加林先生和他的妻子,瓦伦蒂娜,还有他的女儿叶连娜在1960年时的合影。

7.Valentina is originally from Astrakhan, Russia and works professionally as a model, she loves using her 4th generation iPod nano.瓦伦蒂娜来自俄罗斯的阿斯特拉罕,她是位职业模特,尤其喜欢自己的第四代iPodnano。

8."Lots of people come to visit Slava's grave day in and day out, " Valentina said.“每天,许多人都会去Slava的墓地膜拜。”Slava的母亲说。

9.I will give you my heart, until the end of time. You're all I need, my love, my Valentina.在结束之前我将给你我的心,你是我所需要的,我的爱情,我的情人。

10.While there he met Valentina Goryacheva , whom he married in 1957, after gaining his pilot 's wings in a MiG - 15 .虽然他与钦戈里亚切娃,他娶1957年以后,他获得飞行员的翅膀在米格-15。