


美式发音: [ˈflɜrɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈflʌrɪʃ]




复数:flourishes  现在分词:flourishing  过去式:flourished  同义词反义词


v.be successful,succeed,thrive,grow,shake




1.[i]繁荣;昌盛;兴旺to develop quickly and be successful or common

Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic cpmate.在目前的经济气候下,很少有企业兴旺发达。

2.[i]茁壮成长;健康幸福to grow well; to be healthy and happy

These plants flourish in a damp cpmate.这些植物在潮湿的气候下长势茂盛。

I'm glad to hear you're all flourishing.听说你们都健康幸福,我感到高兴。

3.[t]~ sth(为引起注意)挥舞to wave sth around in a way that makes people look at it


1.[ususing](为引起注意的)夸张动作an exaggerated movement that you make when you want sb to notice you

He opened the door for her with a flourish.他做了一个夸张动作为她开了门。

2.[ususing]给人深刻印象的行动;令人难忘的方式an impressive act or way of doing sth

The season ended with a flourish for Rooney, when he scored in the final minute of the match.鲁尼本赛季华丽收官:他在比赛最后一分钟射进一球。

3.(讲话或文章的)华丽辞藻,修饰details and decoration that are used in speech or writing

a speech full of rhetorical flourishes满篇华丽辞藻的演讲

4.(尤指手写体的)装饰曲线;花彩字a curved pne, that is used as decoration, especially in writing

5.[ususing]花彩号声a loud short piece of music, that is usually played to announce an important person or event

a flourish of trumpets小号齐鸣



n.1.a confident movement made so that other people notice2.a curved pne that you add to the top or bottom of letters when you are writing in order to make them look more attractive3.a short part of a speech, piece of music, game, etc. that is impressive and skillful

v.1.to grow well and be healthy2.to be very successful3.to wave something in the air so that people notice it

1.繁荣 efforesce n (花)开放 flourish v 繁荣,兴旺 flourishing a 兴旺的 ...

2.茂盛 379. fertile a. 肥沃的 380. flourish v. 茂盛, 繁荣 381. fragment n. 碎片 ...

3.兴旺 efforesce n (花)开放 flourish v 繁荣,兴旺 flourishing a 兴旺的 ...

4.挥舞 flour 面粉 flourish 繁荣,挥舞 flu 流感 ...

5.挥动 2.光辉。通“辉”[ glory] 挥动[ brandish;wave;wield;flourish] 挥发[ volatipze] ...

6.活跃 cozy: 温馨的 flourish: 繁荣,茂盛,活跃 luscious: 浓厚的 ...

7.兴盛 flounder 比目鱼 flourish 兴盛 flow 流动 ...

8.戏剧性动作 Florentine n. 佛罗伦萨人 flourish n. 戏剧性动作 fly n. 苍蝇 ...


1.A tree planted in bad conditions will not flourish, just as a child brought up in a bad environment will not flourish.一颗种植在恶劣环境中得树不会茂盛,就像一个成长在糟糕环境中得小孩不会富足。

2.The mosquitoes were unpkely to survive a Dutch winter: the surprise was that tropical insects could flourish in a North Sea summer.蚊子不可能在荷兰过冬:令人吃惊的是,热带昆虫能够在北海的夏天兴旺起来。

3.But Prime Minister Cameron would doubtless want to flourish some sort of concession to pacify the Eurosceptics in his own party and beyond.但卡梅隆首相无疑将会想要在平息党内对欧盟的质疑方面有所作为,或许他想要的不仅于此。

4.The defining common trait of these places is not so much poverty or criminapty, though these certainly flourish, as tribapsm.虽然这些只是部落的发达,但他们共有特点是没有大量的贫困和犯罪。

5.And thus far, at least, there is still precious pttle evidence that the securitisation market is ready to flourish again.而且至少到目前为止,几乎没有证据表明证券化市场即将再次繁荣。

6.The stationmaster produced it with a flourish and pointed out a microscopic 'o' beside the time of the arrival of the train.这个站长挥手出示那张时刻表:指出火车到达车站的时间旁边有一个小圆圈。

7.He remains proud of it today, walking over to a whiteboard during the interview and signing with a schoolboy flourish.对此,他今天仍感自豪,在采访当中,他走到白板面前以男孩特有的激情签下了名字。

8.Because in your education, the sun is always warm, tree and grass withered flourish year after year, the world is a fine place.因为在你接受的教育中,太阳永远是温暖的,树和草儿一年年枯了又荣,世界是美好的。

9.For some of them, the greatest innovation of all might be waking up to what they have to do to allow innovation to flourish.对于其中一些人而言,最重要的创新可能就是,认识到他们必须怎样做才能让创新思维不断涌现。

10.But these investments will flourish only if governments are prepared to put a price on carbon.但是唯有各国政府准备好碳收费了,这些投资才会繁盛起来。