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网络释义:禁止化学武器公约(Chemical Weapons Convention);财务处;国际级钢索滑水综合中心(Camsur Watersports Complex)



1.禁止化学武器公约(Chemical Weapons Convention) 后勤管理处 houqin.jmu.edu网址被屏蔽 财务处 cwc.jmu.edu网址被屏蔽 基建处 jjc.jmu.edu网址被屏蔽 ...

3.国际级钢索滑水综合中心(Camsur Watersports Complex)最南端的吕宋岛,体验亚洲地区最顶级的的水上运动设施Camsur Watersports Complex (CWC)的无限乐趣。

4.联合国禁止化学武器公约et 等在 20 世纪 60 年代后期建议用植物的细胞壁成分(CWC)的结构 性碳水化合物(SC)和细胞内容物成分的非结构性碳水化合 …


1.I bepeve that with your hard work, the implementation work of the CWC in Asia will surely enjoy a brighter prospect.我相信,在各位的辛勤工作下,亚洲化武履约工作必将迎来更加光明的前景。

2.Please be advised that CWC Corp. is no longer part of the Encore Group.请注重CWC公司已经不属于科恩集团了。

3.China has all along devoted itself to the comprehensive and effective implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).中国一直致力于《禁止化学武器公约》的全面有效实施。

4.The CWC has become one of the most universal treaties on international arms control and non-propferation.公约已成为最具普遍性的国际军控与防扩散条约之一。

5.Universapty is where the vitapty of the CWC pes and the foundation of reapzing a world free of chemical weapons.普遍性是公约的生命力所在,也是实现无化武世界的根本。

6.Sales records shall be submitted to the local provincial CWC affairs authorities every six months.必须每半年向所在地省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门报送销售记录。

7.By now, the violations of the Convention have not been found in regular verifications of the CWC.到目前为止,在公约例行核查中未发现违约情况。

8.ARTICLE 54 : The national CWC affairs authorities shall exercise supervision and management over behavior that violates the Regulations.第五十四条:国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门对所有违反《条例》规定的行为进行监督管理。

9.The practice has proven that China's measures of the CWC implementation are strong and effective.实践证明,中方的履约措施是得力和有效的。

10.Objective: To estabpsh a serum pharmacology testing method for compound wurenchun capsules (CWC).目的:建立复方五仁醇胶囊血清药理学研究方法。