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1.罗德里戈 Riley 赖利 | Rodrigo 罗德里格 | Rota 洛塔 | ...

3.罗德里奥 爵士丹尼 a.Jesdani 罗德里奥 RODRIGO 世邦 SHIBANG ...

4.罗德利果 Rimsky-Koraskov 林姆斯基高沙可夫 Rodrigo 罗德利果 Rossini 罗西尼 ...

5.罗德里哥授、墨西哥的马丁同学(Martín)、瓜地马拉青年罗德里戈同学Rodrigo)、卫道中学谢枘宬同学、晓明女中沈家琪同学; …


1.As for Rodrigo Lira, well, I already explained what had become of him.至于罗德里戈-里拉其人,我已经解释过他是何许人也。

2.She always took us, first my older brother Rodrigo. We trained three days a week, and she always came with us.祖母总是带我们去踢球,先是我的大哥罗德里格。我们一周训练三天,她总是陪我们去。

3.RODRIGO ROSENBERG was not the best-known, richest, or most powerful victim of the endemic violence that dogs Guatemala.罗德李戈·罗森伯格绝对不是危地马拉的暴力泛滥下受害者中最有名的,最富有的或者最有势力的。

4.Mister Wolfowitz and I. M. F. chief Rodrigo de Rato also called for increased aid for the poorest countries, especially in Africa.Wolfowitz先生和世界货币组织长官RodrigodeRato也呼吁为最贫困的国家,特别是非洲的国家增加援助。

5.Suddenly, Rodrigo Rosenberg was staring at them, sitting alone, with a microphone, in front of a spare table.突然,罗德里戈·罗森博格直视着他们,他独坐着,手拿麦克风,站在一张空桌之前。

6.They were commissioned by a papal envoy, Rodrigo Borja, a Spaniard who went on to become Pope Alexander VI in 1492.他们受命于罗马教皇特使罗德里格·波迦,这个西班牙人1492年成为了教皇亚历山大六世。

7.Two brothers who allegedly hired a hit man to kill Rodrigo Rosenberg, a lawyer in Guatemala, handed themselves in to authorities.据说雇佣职业杀手刺杀一个瓜地马拉律师Rosenberg的两兄弟到当局那里自首。

8.Just last month, designer Rodrigo Gapndez wrote a blog post where he showed how he would reformat Twitter's new landing page.就在上个月,设计师RodrigoGapndez写了一篇博文。在那篇文章中,他展示他如何重新设计Twitter登录页面。

9."I want to be a conductor, and I've already chosen the best American music school, " specifies Sandro Rodrigo de Barros.桑德罗·罗德里戈·德·巴洛斯明确表示:“我想做一名音乐指挥家,而且我已经选择好了美国最好的音乐学院。”

10.Scraping away the mud, I could see the fragment of a story: "Rodrigo Rosenberg, National Hero. "拭去泥浆,我觑见了一个故事的片段:“罗德里戈·罗森博格,国家英雄。”