


美式发音: [ˈekwəˌdɔː] 英式发音: ['ekwədɔ:(r)]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Ecuador, located in the northwestern South America

1.厄瓜多尔 多米尼加( Dominican Repubpc) 厄瓜多尔( Ecuador) 埃及( Egypt) ...

2.厄瓜多尔共和国 苏里南共和国( Suriname) 厄瓜多尔共和国( Ecuador) 秘鲁共和国( Peru) ...

3.尼瓜多尔 哥伦比亚 Colombia 尼瓜多尔 Ecuador 圭亚那 Guyana ...

4.厄瓜多尔队(Cristiano Ronaldo)6 场首发、厄瓜多尔队Ecuador)的瓦伦西 亚(Valencia)4 场首发、瑞士队的Barnetta 4 场比赛均 …


6.厄瓜多尔地图 巴拉圭地图( Paraguay) 厄瓜多尔地图( Ecuador) 哥伦比亚地图( Colombia) ...

7.厄瓜多尔驻香港领事馆厄瓜多尔驻香港领事馆(Ecuador) 香港中环威灵顿街78号中环大厦1601室 25409914尼加拉瓜驻香港荣誉领事(Nicaragua) 香港 …


1.The Isaiah managed a number of companies in Ecuador from Miami under different names, as if nothing happened . . . and do you know why?伊萨亚斯家族以不同名字,在迈阿密掌控厄瓜多尔数家企业,彷佛什么事都没发生,…各位知道原因为何?

2.A week after going to the brink of war, the presidents of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador kissed and made up on television.在看似将要擦枪走火的状况持续一周后,哥伦比亚,委内瑞拉和厄瓜多尔三国总统耳鬓厮磨,亮相电视。

3.Mexico's Foreign Relations Department said over the weekend that it had pressed Argentina, Cuba, Ecuador and Peru to drop restrictions.墨西哥外交关系部上周表示,墨西哥已经要求阿根廷、古巴、厄瓜多尔和秘鲁减少限制措施。

4.The Chinese side is ready to work together with Ecuador push forward the friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries.我们愿同厄方一道,共同推进中厄友好合作关系。

5.Given this reach, I knew Kroll could hire someone with a medical background, legal training, or at least some famiparity with Ecuador.有这种影响力,我知道Krol应该雇用有医学背景、法律素养,或者至少熟悉厄瓜多尔的人。

6.One result, he said, was that protocols were improved and more countries added: South Africa, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Thailand.这些抗议使得有更多国家签署了相关的治疗协议:包括南非,巴西,秘鲁,厄瓜多尔,泰国。

7.He said the nature of Chavez's visit to Cuba with his previous trip to Ecuador, Brazil and the same.他说,查韦斯访问古巴的性质与他此前的巴西和厄瓜多尔之行相同。

8.In Lago Agrio, Ecuador, he told me, one of the biggest environmental lawsuits in history is being fought out in a jungle court.在拉戈阿格里奥,厄瓜多尔,他告诉我,在历史上最大的环境诉讼一被打了一个丛林法庭进行。

9.As the world's "the kingdom from the sun, recently, Ecuador's fame was mostly due to its unique geographical position. "作为地球上“离太阳最近的国度”,厄瓜多尔的名气大多来源于它独特的地理位置。

10.After the Ecuador match, when it was certain that we had won the round, there was a real party at the hotel.在和厄瓜多尔比赛后,当我们确信我们能进入下一轮时,在酒店举行了一个聚会。