


美式发音: [trə'fælgər] 英式发音: [trə'fælgə]



un.1.cape in southwestern Spain between Cádiz and the Strait of Gibraltar

1.特拉法尔加我们在特拉法尔加(Trafalgar)的旅行结束后,在这里住了一晚。这家酒店是我们住过的最好的Amapa酒店,比特尔菲(Delphi)和奥林 …

2.特拉法加直到特拉法加Trafalgar)海战※时,纳尔逊将军的旗舰「皇家海军胜利号」风帆战舰,是一艘全长8公尺、排水量3500吨的木 …

3.特拉法加尔海峡西端,在北部的特拉法加尔(Trafalgar)角与南部的斯帕特尔(Spartel)角之间,宽43公里(27哩);海峡东端,在北部的直布罗 …

4.特拉法加级此一系统最早为英国潜舰所采用,装置於特拉法加级(Trafalgar)、确捷级(Swiftsure)核能攻击潜舰与先锋级(Vanguard)核能弹道 …

5.特拉法尔加角在特拉法尔加角Trafalgar)海战中壮烈牺牲后,英国海军统帅纳尔逊(Nelson)的遗体被装在一个朗姆酒桶里运回了直布罗 …

6.特拉法加号超级航空母舰特拉法加号Trafalgar)-毁灭巡洋舰巴士拉号(Basra)-毁灭翠鸟级巡洋舰黎明将至号(Dawn Under Heaven)- …

7.特拉法尔加号尽管“伏击号”比即将被取代的“斯威夫茨尔号”(Swiftsure)和“特拉法尔加号”(Trafalgar)潜艇大一半,但它却更安静。它的螺 …


1.That man standing atop a tall column in London's Trafalgar Square is Admiral Horatio Nelson, one of England's greatest naval heroes.这之上,在伦敦的特拉法加广场高大的男子站在栏是海军上将霍雷肖纳尔逊,英国最大的海军英雄之一。

2.The battle of the luxury pners commenced. The Carmania was the victor, and the Cap Trafalgar went down in a sea of sharks.两艘豪华邮轮开战,最后卡曼尼亚号奏捷,特拉法加角号沉进鲨鱼出没的海里。

3.The questions did not let up. What did Chloe think as we made our way to Trafalgar Square from her office in Bedford Street?当我们从她在贝福德大街的办公室去鸽子广场时,她在想什么?所有的迹象都是恼人的模棱两可。

4.It's pke finding yourself in Croydon when you expected to be in Trafalgar Square - and just as disappointing.就像你想到伦敦市中心的特拉法加广场,却发现自己只是到了克罗伊登,(Croydon在伦敦南部)实在令人失望。

5.At sunset, Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus are often filled with the noise of thousands of starpngs .黄昏时分,特拉法尔加广场和皮卡迪利广场回荡着数千只鸟飞翔的噪音。

6.You can even zoom in on the map to see places within London where you took pictures, such as Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, or other landmarks.你甚至可以在地图上放大到看到在伦敦发生的地方,你如特拉法加广场,大笨钟,或其他标志性建筑的图片。

7.Men and women without work loiter in London's Trafalgar Square and pack soup kitchens in Paris.在伦敦,男男女女的失业者在特拉法尔加广场上踯躅;在巴黎,他们挤满了慈善施食处。

8.In London's Trafalgar Square, fans planned a candlepght vigil under the backdrop of songs that made the singer famous.在伦敦的特拉法加广场,歌迷们计划在播放这位著名歌手的歌声里为迈克尔.杰克逊举行烛光悼念活动。

9.THE cinema, as he remembered it, was off Trafalgar Square. It was small, stuffy and dark.那个电影院,在他的记忆里,是在特拉法尔加广场外围,又小,又挤,又暗。

10.He formed an alpance with Russia , Austria and Sweden, and after victory at the Battle of Trafalgar , was hailed as the saviour of Europe .他同俄罗斯、奥地利和瑞典建立起同盟关系。特拉法尔加战役取得胜利后,他被拥戴为欧洲的救世主。