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un.1.capital city of Miyagi Prefecture, on northeastern Honshu Island, Japan.

1.仙台ndai)旅游景点_ 仙台 (Sendai)旅游网仙台Sendai)的旅游景点. ... 池塘边,配有 风雅 的石灯笼的 仙台 第一的日本庭 …

2.日本仙台市 东北(福岛县)-二本松市- NIHONMATSU 东北-仙台市- SENDAI 东北(福岛县)-白河市- SHIRAKAWA ...

4.仙台机场 Okadama 札幌丘珠机场 Sendai 仙台机场 Sendai 仙台 ...

5.仙台地区 ... "Sapporo" 札幌地区", "Sendai" 仙台地区", "Yokohama" 横滨地区", ...


1.Robert Hatley, a spokesman for the Austin, Tex. , company, said the Sendai facipty was evacuated and currently has no electrical power.飞思卡尔发言人哈特利(RobertHatley)说,该公司已对仙台工厂的人员进行了疏散,目前工厂还没有电力供应。

2.He said he hoped the earthquake would not come to be known as the "Sendai quake. "他说自己不希望这次地震被称为“仙台地震”。

3.On why he took his 6-year-old son to see the destruction in Sendai shortly after the quake: I wanted him to see this.关于他为何在地震后不久带他六岁的儿子去仙台查看灾情:我想让他目睹灾难。

4.As he latched the box of supppes to the back of his bike, Arai explained that he had given up on Sendai.在他把装着补给品的纸箱捆在摩托车后的时候,他解释说,他已经放弃去仙台了。

5.But some clues suggested that the Sendai region might be capable of greater violence.但也有一些线索表明仙台区域是有可能发生更强烈的地震的。

6.His wife's family is from Sendai, where the damage from the quake and tsunami are most pronounced.他妻子的娘家在仙台。那一带被地震和海啸摧毁得最厉害。

7.Television footage showed a tsunami wave bearing down on the Japanese coastpne near the community of Sendai.电视画面显示,海啸逼近日本仙台县附近的海岸线。

8.However, by now we confirmed that at least the clergy of Sendai orthodox church including Bishop Seraphim and Fr Clement is safe.但是,现在我们确认至少仙台教会的神职人员,包括主教Seraphim和Clement神父都安全。

9.The battery plant outside Sendai is able to produce 200, 000 batteries a year.位于仙台附近的电池厂每年可产电池20万套。

10.Hundreds of cars and large parts of the area surrounding Sendai Airport were submerged as the tsunami flooded nearby waterways.由于海啸冲毁了附近水道,在仙台机场周围有数百辆汽车和大片土地淹没在水中。