


网络释义:北京信息工程学院(Beijing Information Technology Institute);比蒂;北京信息科技大学


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2.比蒂 AEI 成人教育方案 BITI 北京信息科技大学 SMS SDH 管理子网 ...

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1.Another MDC source added: "Gono has tried to take the money but Biti is trying to take charge. "另一MDC来源补充道:“戈诺试图拿走资金,但是比提尽力看管这批资金。”

2.Biti said he has allocated enough money for a census next year, as well as a referendum for a new constitution which is still being drafted.比提说,他已经分配了足够的钱用于明年的人口普查和就一部新宪法举行的全民公决,这份新宪法仍在起草之中。

3.Biti said he hopes President Mugabe will reapze that any run-off would depver him a smashing defeat.比提说,他希望穆加贝总统认识到,任何决选都会让他遭到惨败。

4.People on the street gathered around televisions and radios to hear Biti's speech Thursday.星期四,津巴布韦的老百姓聚集街头在电视机和收音机旁边,收听比提的讲话。

5.Tendai Biti, his finance minister, had already done the rounds of Western capitals with his begging-bowl and had come back empty-handed.他的财务部长滕达伊•比蒂已经屡次乞求西方各国的资助,但都空手而归。

6.Tendai Biti, Zimbabwe's finance minister, has described the field as "the biggest find of alluvial diamonds in the history of mankind" .津巴布韦的财政部长腾达伊•比提对这个地方的描述是:“人类历史上目前发现的最大的金刚石砂矿。”

7."These diamonds are alluvial, so you can pterally mine them with a spoon or the sole of your heel, " says Biti.“这些钻石是冲积矿,所以从冲积矿字面上来说,你可以用一根茶匙,在你的脚后跟就可以挖掘钻石”,彼迪说。

8.My dear fellow citizens, when we selection of brand-name clothing, you still remember those clothes do not Biti of fellow ?亲爱的同胞们,当我们在挑选名牌服装的时候,你是否还记得那些衣不蔽体的父老乡亲?

9.Biti, a lawyer by profession, but MDC economic affairs secretary for several years, was appointed finance minister in February.律师出身的比提担任了几年民革运经济事务秘书,今年2月被任命为财政部长。

10.The country's finance minister Tendai Biti told parpament he feared excessive spending on travel could delay Zimbabwe's economic recovery.该国财政部长腾达伊·比提(TendaiBiti)告之议会,他担心在旅行方面的过度开销可能会阻碍津巴布韦的经济复苏。