


美式发音: [ˈærəˌɡən] 英式发音: [ˈærəɡ(ə)n]





1.阿拉贡识和智慧,和有能力释放物质身体内的分裂和痛苦,因为阿拉贡Aragon)所关注的是人类从束缚中解脱,从物理性痛苦的 …

2.亚拉冈 Arabian Sea 阿拉伯海 Aragon 亚拉贡 Araguaia,Araguaia,Araguaya 阿拉瓜亚河 ...

4.阿拉贡自治区 ... 产国西班牙( Spain) 产地阿拉贡( Aragon) 产地:西班牙( Spain) ...


1.One of his first acts as king was to marry his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon.他一继位,便于他哥哥的遗孀凯瑟琳.阿拉贡结了婚。

2.On a snowy Spanish hillside in Aragon, a griffon vulture vies with a raven for a scrap of food.西班牙北部阿拉贡一处白雪皑皑的山坡上,一只兀鹫为一小片食物与一只大乌鸦争斗。

3.Agree Star of Genoa, in a quick research i've found at least 40 major Chronicles of Castile or Aragon.同意ls,我快速地查找了一下,结果找到了40部以上的关于卡斯蒂利亚或亚拉贡地区的记录。

4.Despite fierce resistance by the king of Aragon, the order of the Knights Templar was forced to break-up .精英类型:宗教部队阿拉贡的王国的剧烈战争,圣殿骑士团被强行介入。

5.While in the post, he annuls Henry VIII's marriages to Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn and divorces him from Anne of Cleves.随后他撤销了亨利八世与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳以及安妮·博林的婚姻,并使它和克利夫斯的安妮离婚。

6.Ms. Aragon discovered an affinity for music when she was three or four, when she used to watch her dad singing karaoke.她的音乐天赋大概在三、四岁时开始展露,当时她经常看爸爸唱卡拉OK。

7.Because of this, so as not to lose herkingdom, she was forced to throw herself into the lap of the King of Aragon.由于这件事情,为了不失去她的王国,她被迫把自己托付给了阿拉贡的国王。

8.Soon after, she had Ms. Aragon on a fpght to Manila to meet with record companies there.很快,圭亚布就带着阿拉贡登上了飞往马尼拉的飞机,去跟那边的唱片公司会面。

9.The 10-year-old Fippino-Canadian girl Maria Aragon has become another onpne star, but she was not "born this way" .年仅10岁的加拿大籍菲律宾女孩玛利亚?阿拉贡(音译)就是一位网络明星,但她绝非生来就是明星命。

10.Arwen: Oh, thank you Daddy! Aragon asks wether or not you will give him Rivendell after our wedding?噢,谢谢你,爸爸!阿拉贡问你会不会在我们婚后把瑞文戴尔送给他?