


美式发音: [brɑŋˈkaɪtɪs] 英式发音: [brɒŋˈkaɪtɪs]





1.支气管炎an illness that affects the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs

He was suffering from chronic bronchitis.他患有慢性支气管炎。


n.1.an illness affecting your bronchial tubes in which you cough and find breathing difficult

1.支气管炎 支气管〖 bronchialtube〗 支气管炎bronchitis〗 支前〖 supportthefront〗 ...

2.感染性支气管炎 喉头闭塞( Laryngeal obstruction) 气管支炎( Bronchitis) 气管支扩张( Bronchiectasis) ...

4.慢性且不带痰的咳嗽Medicon-A:研究指出对长期慢性且不带痰的咳嗽(如bronchitis)有不错的效果Brown mixture,codeine也是可以选择,其中codein…


1.The productive cough of chronic bronchitis is often not regarded as abnormal.慢性支气管炎的咳痰往往不被认为异常。

2.Smoking is bad for your health. Smoke too much is predisposed to bronchitis, you know. Better stop smoking. Will you take my advice?吸烟对你身体有害,你知道抽烟太多容易患支气管炎,你最好戒烟。你接受我的劝告吗?

3.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD)as a common chronic respiratory disease is the general term for chronic bronchitis and emphysema.慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)是一种常见的慢性呼吸道疾病,是慢性支气管炎和肺气肿的总称。

4.Respiratory: antiseptic, helps to expel mucus, repeves coughing, used for colds, flu, catarrh, asthma. bronchitis, laryngitis.呼吸:杀菌,帮助排出粘液,减轻咳嗽,用作伤风,流感,粘膜炎,哮喘,支气管炎,喉炎。

5.Second, children who is usually a valetudinarian all long, and easy to catch a cold, cough, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia.第二类是平时一贯体弱多病,容易发生感冒、咳嗽、支气管炎、哮喘和肺炎的孩子。

6.If your cough doesn't go away, or if you develop acute bronchitis frequently, it may be a sign of a more serious condition.如果你的咳嗽还不完全好,或者经常性的发生急性支气管炎,这可能是更严重病症产生的信号。

7.The incidence rate of chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema was highest, which might be related with age and smoking.以慢性支气管炎肺气肿合并冠心病急性左心衰发作最常见,与年龄、吸烟等危险因素密切相关。

8.The result was that she suffered from bronchitis.结果是她患了支气管炎。

9.It might be difficult to differentiate between acute bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumonia.这可能是难以区分急性支气管炎,加重慢性阻塞性肺疾病,肺炎。

10.Older children whose parents smoke get bronchitis and pneumonia more often than the children of nonsmokers.父母吸烟,年龄稍大的孩子患支气管炎和肺炎的比率大于非吸烟者的孩子。